发布时间:2018-03-26 15:35
本文选题:利益相关者理论 切入点:会展 出处:《西安外国语大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:从1851年伦敦的“水晶宫世界博览会”到2010年的上海博览会,从1896年希腊雅典举办的第一届现代奥运会到2012年伦敦奥运会,我们总可以从中发现会展与城市密不可分的关系。一方面,飞速发展的城市化进程促使了会展发生质的变化,尤其是城市为会展提供了发展的必要条件;另一方面,会展的举办又为城市的发展注入了新的活力,促进城市的发展。会展与城市,从会展活动出现之日起,,就有着密不可分的互动关系。 所以本文选题为会展与城市的互动研究,又因为作为华中地区经济、文化交流中心的武汉具备良好的会展业发展条件,会展业的发展水平却相对落后,发展过程中暴露的问题也越来越多,所以武汉会展的发展需要引起更多业内相关人士、学者的重视和研究。本文在“会展与城市互动”研究的基础上构建了会展与武汉城市互动模型,为武汉会展发展提供了理论基础,在一定程度上填补了互动研究领域的空白。 本文一共包括五个方面的内容:第一章为绪论,介绍了选题背景、研究意义、研究方法及框架;第二章介绍了会展相关基础理论及会展业相关文献综述,主要包括对相关概念的认识和界定、会展特点功能的介绍以及国内外会展业的研究进展;第三章是本文的主体部分,主要是以利益相关者理论及其在会展领域的应用为基础,界定会展利益相关者及其权益,从而进一步研究会展与城市的互动关系及模式;第四章是实证研究部分,以武汉会展为例,基于前文的研究结论,深度剖析会展业与武汉这座城市的互动关系,为武汉会展业的发展实践提供理论依据;第五章是本文的结论部分,主要是对全文的总结,包括文章创新之处与不足,以及理论对实践的指导意义。
[Abstract]:From the Crystal Palace World Expo in London in 1851 to the Shanghai Expo in 2010, from the first Modern Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, in 1896 to the London Olympics in 2012, On the one hand, the rapid development of urbanization promotes the qualitative change of mice, especially the city provides the necessary conditions for the development of exhibition; on the other hand, The holding of exhibition and exhibition has injected new vitality into the development of the city and promoted the development of the city. Therefore, this thesis is about the interaction between exhibition and city, and because Wuhan, as the economic and cultural exchange center of central China, has good conditions for the development of exhibition industry, the level of development of exhibition industry is relatively backward. More and more problems have been exposed in the course of development. Therefore, the development of Wuhan Convention and Exhibition needs to arouse more relevant people in the industry. Based on the study of "the interaction between exhibition and city", this paper constructs the model of the interaction between exhibition and Wuhan city, which provides a theoretical basis for the development of Wuhan exhibition, and to some extent fills up the blank in the field of interaction research. This paper includes five aspects: the first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the background, significance, research methods and framework of the topic; the second chapter introduces the exhibition related basic theory and exhibition industry related literature review. The third chapter is the main part of this paper, which is based on stakeholder theory and its application in the exhibition field. Define the exhibition stakeholders and their rights and interests, so as to further study the interaction between the exhibition and the city and the model; the fourth chapter is the empirical research part, taking Wuhan exhibition as an example, based on the previous research conclusions, Deeply analyze the interactive relationship between exhibition industry and Wuhan city, and provide the theoretical basis for the development practice of Wuhan exhibition industry. The fifth chapter is the conclusion of this paper, which mainly summarizes the full text, including the innovation of the article and its shortcomings. And the guiding significance of theory to practice.
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