本文选题:后八九 + 后革命 ; 参考:《中国美术学院》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: “后八九中国新艺术”一方面是指由策展人张颂仁、栗宪庭合作策划,于1993年1月在香港艺术中心开幕的《后八九中国新艺术》展,另一方面也是指展览所指向的1990年代初的中国当代艺术。“后八九”提供了对于1990年代中国艺术最深入精准的类型学分析和社会学描述,“后八九”的参与者们为中国当代艺术史创造了第一批深具国际影响力的图式,为1990年代的中国新艺术奠定了基调。其次,“后八九”应时而动,以其深刻的社会-文化洞见以及强有力的图像学创造,表述出了后八九时代的国人心事,创造了国际社会认识中国的一面镜子。随着“后八九”在世界范围的传播,中国当代艺术成为全世界所有关注中国的人们理解中国的一个必要的中介。“后八九”不但引发了国际艺术界对于中国艺术的关注,而且触发了一种文化解释的机制,在这一机制中,当代艺术成为中国社会-政治-文化的面相和征候,也正因此,它被关注程度之深远、它的影响范围之大,都远远超出了艺术本身。在2010年的今天,我们应该以怎样的姿态重新反思20年前的这段历史?本文试图追溯“后八九”在国际学术界的解释情境,讨论“后革命”、“后殖民”话语和这一解释情境之间的关系,进一步探讨“后冷战”的时间标记、“后现代”的创作手法对“后八九”艺术的塑造作用。在一个国际性的话语-语境中检视“后八九中国新艺术”对于中国当代艺术与政治论述的意义所在。
[Abstract]:"Post 89 Chinese New Art" refers, on the one hand, to the "Post 89 Chinese New Art" exhibition, which was jointly planned by curator Chang Chung-jen and Li Xianting and opened at the Hong Kong Art Centre in January 1993. On the other hand, it also refers to the Chinese contemporary art in the early 1990 s. "Post-89" provides the most thorough and accurate typological analysis and sociological description of Chinese art in the 1990s. The participants in "Post-89" have created the first schemata with deep international influence for the history of contemporary Chinese art. It set the tone for the Chinese new art in the 1990 s. Secondly, "post-89" is in time, with its profound social-cultural insight and powerful pictorial creation, it expresses the Chinese mind in the post-1989 era and creates a mirror for the international community to understand China. With the spread of "post-1989" in the world, Chinese contemporary art has become a necessary intermediary for all the people concerned about China to understand China. "Post-1989" has not only aroused the international art community's concern for Chinese art, but also triggered a mechanism for cultural interpretation. In this mechanism, contemporary art has become the face and sign of Chinese social-political-cultural, and as a result, It is of great concern and influence far beyond the art itself. On this day in 2010, how should we rethink this period of history 20 years ago? This paper attempts to trace back to the interpretation situation of "post-1989" in international academic circles, discuss the relationship between "post-revolution", "post-colonial" discourse and this explanatory situation, and further explore the time mark of "post-cold war". The creation of post-modern plays an important role in shaping the art of post-89. In an international discourse-context to examine the significance of the post-1989 Chinese New Art for Chinese contemporary art and political discourse.
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