[Abstract]:With the development of virtual reality technology, the use of virtual reality technology to build a network virtual environment has brought people a new experience, with a strong interest, interaction and immersion, the construction of a network virtual exhibition hall, virtual museum, Virtual school history museum, virtual gallery and so on has become a current trend. By using the virtual exhibition hall, we can move things from reality or virtual space to the Internet, which can span time and space, facilitate people to visit and exhibit, and give people a feeling of being on the spot. The research of virtual exhibition hall has also become a hot spot at present. The construction of virtual exhibition hall needs multi-disciplinary and multi-technology fusion, which involves plane design, three-dimensional design, network development technology, aesthetic design, structural design, optical design and other interdisciplinary, cross-domain technology. Therefore, it takes more manpower and material resources to complete the design and development of virtual exhibition hall. However, there are some elements that can be common in all the design and development of the exhibition hall, especially in the initial modeling stage, which provides the feasibility for the development of the virtual exhibition hall. Under the background of the excellent Cultural Engineering of Digital Campus of Zhejiang University, the general process of software development (requirement analysis, overall structure design, functional module design, programming and debugging) is taken as the whole layout. In this paper, the general technology and general module of Web3D virtual exhibition hall design and development are explained emphatically. Firstly, the Web3D technology is expounded, the present situation and disadvantages of Web3D virtual exhibition hall are analyzed, and the goal is to realize the universal Web3D virtual exhibition hall. This paper mainly studies the communication technology between Web3D virtual exhibition hall and database, which is guided by the functions of background management, style change, exhibition hall expansion, exhibition exchange, position change and so on. This paper analyzes the theoretical basis and system framework of the universal Web3D virtual exhibition hall, and finally puts forward the solution, core technology, implementation strategy and debugging method of the universal Web3D virtual exhibition hall.
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