[Abstract]:On June 18, 2014, the Sino-French Wine Brewery Technology and equipment Exhibition and the third session of SITEVINITECHCHINA2014 were officially opened at the Ningxia Horticultural Industry Park Convention and Exhibition Center, as an important event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The event was sponsored by the OIV International Grape and Wine Organization and the International Federation of Grape and Wine at the Eastern foot of Mount Helan. In order to promote the innovation and development of wine equipment and winemaking technology, the organizers also jointly organized a number of professional meetings and forums with the Ningxia Wine Administration Bureau and the Ningxia Forestry Department. Industry experts and business representatives to give technical lectures and discuss industry trends and the latest professional technology. The exhibition, with an area of more than 6000 square meters, attracted more than 150 grape and wine companies from China and France to participate in the exhibition. It covers grape seedling horticultural machinery, organic fertilizer, wine making equipment, wine raw materials, oak products, packaging and utensils, etc., to Gansu wine production
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