[Abstract]:Expo 2010, with the theme of "better City, better Life" (BetterCity,BetterLife), with a total investment of 45.9 billion RMB, has created the largest record scale in the history of the World Expo. There are 190 countries and 56 international organizations participating in the Expo, and the total number of visitors is more than 73 million. It brings incalculable spiritual and material effects to both organizers and exhibitors. The German Pavilion stands out for its serious attitude, rich and high-quality exhibition content, meticulous attention to detail and humanized design, and stands out as one of the most popular venues throughout the Expo period. The pavilion has attracted a lot of attention, both in China and in Germany, in the streets and in the media. This paper introduces and analyzes the exhibition situation, theme and content of the German Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo in detail, and analyzes the reasons for the success of the German Pavilion in all directions. With the help of many mainstream media reports and public opinion, this paper analyzes the cultural effect caused by the German Pavilion and whether it achieves the purpose of showing a new image of Germany to the world, especially to the Chinese tourists. Finally, it is concluded that although the Internet information technology is developed in the world today, a successful World Expo can promote face-to-face communication between people. It is of great significance for visitors to experience the foreign culture and history as well as the scientific and technological achievements of other countries and regions, follow the media, network and books. In particular, compared with other developed countries, taking the Hannover World Expo as an example, the Shanghai World Expo, as the first large-scale Expo held in a developing country, has unique significance in showing the world the rise of China and its examples. Expo diplomacy has also deepened exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries, including China and Germany. The efforts and achievements of the German Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo are also obvious to all. It is not difficult to see from the various reports in the Chinese media that the German Pavilion has been positively evaluated among the vast number of Chinese tourists. It is a success in setting up a new image of the country.
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