[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology and the infiltration of science and technology into service industry, the development of modern service industry has entered a period of comprehensive acceleration. The development of modern service industry plays an increasingly important role in economic development, and the modern service industry in Xi'an has become a pillar industry. Combining with Xi'an reality, it is the key to promote the rapid development of economy to formulate the development strategy of modern service industry which is consistent with Xi'an 's planning and coordination. Based on the analysis of the development of modern service industry in Xi'an, it is concluded that modern service industry plays an important role in the national economic growth, business income, investment, income level of residents, social employment and so on. The empirical analysis with statistical data shows that although the absolute value of the added value of modern service industry in Xi'an is similar to that of other developed cities in China, the scale of enterprises is small and the science and technology content is low. The competitiveness is weak and the industrialization degree is not high. These are the reasons that lead to the change of the employment structure of Xi'an city which lags behind the output value structure of Yu Guomin obviously. After defining and classifying the modern service industry, taking the modern exhibition industry and the modern logistics industry as examples, and introducing the SWOT analysis model, this paper generalizes the internal and external conditions, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages, the opportunities and threats faced by them. The SWOT matrix strategic model of modern exhibition industry and modern logistics industry is constructed. Following the guiding ideology, strategic goal and strategic emphasis of developing modern service industry in Xi'an, the paper puts forward the strategic countermeasures for the development of modern service industry in Xi'an: adjusting the industrial structure, perfecting the system and mechanism, strengthening leading enterprises and building up a talent highland. Expand development space, reduce entry threshold, implement brand strategy. To speed up the development of modern service industry, expand the characteristic service industry, expand the production service industry, enhance the life service industry, take Xi'an as the leader, and build the modern service industry into a pillar industry.
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