[Abstract]:Faced with the crisis of overcapacity, the innovation of low-carbon concept and the development of environmental tax, the development of energy-saving and new energy vehicles is undoubtedly a hot topic in the automotive industry. In recent years, in order to cope with the shortage of oil resources and the pressure of environmental protection, the governments of developed countries, such as the United States, Japan and Europe, and world-renowned automobile companies have invested a lot of money in the research and development of energy-saving and new energy vehicles. The development of energy-saving and new energy vehicles is regarded as an important strategic measure to improve the competitiveness of industry and maintain the sustainable development of economy and society, and a plan is drawn up to speed up the process of industrialization and commercialization. Taking the consumers of energy saving and new energy vehicles in inland areas of China as the object, this paper mainly studies the relationship between the perceived quality of products, the awareness of environmental protection of citizens, the guidance of government policies and the willingness of customers to buy. Firstly, based on the theoretical research, a model of factors influencing the purchase of energy saving and new energy vehicles is constructed. Then, by using the SPSS 16.0 statistical software to analyze the survey data, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) the perceived quality of energy saving and new energy vehicle products includes the inherent quality of the product. The three dimensions of external quality and after-sales service quality. (2) the three dimensions of product perceived quality have a positive and significant impact on customer purchase intention. (3) demographic variables have different effects on customer purchase intention. (internal quality of product, The influence of external quality on customer's purchase intention is regulated by citizen's environmental protection consciousness; The influence of product internal quality, external quality and after-sales service quality on customer purchase intention is regulated by government policy guidance. Based on the perspective of consumers, this paper analyzes the problems and causes in the process of energy saving and the industrialization of new energy vehicles, which is helpful for the government to analyze how to create an environment conducive to the sale of energy saving and new energy vehicles. Develop market value to the maximum extent; It is helpful for enterprises to understand the inducement of customers' purchase behavior and better grasp customer psychology so as to promote our understanding of energy saving and new energy automobile purchase. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the related enterprises to formulate marketing strategies.
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