[Abstract]:This paper discusses Zhu Yunming's study of Zhong you calligraphy, analyzes the success of Zhu Yun Ming's study of Zhong you, and points out its reference significance to Zhong you's calligraphy style in recent years. The article holds that Zhu Yunming is one of the most successful calligraphers in the history of studying Zhong you's small block letters. He not only has a high-level orthodox view of calligraphy and a well-connected sense of writing, but also possesses the talents and abilities of people far beyond the present. Objectively, the road of learning books shrouded in the style of Taige-style books since the early Ming Dynasty was turned back to the right path, which opened the way for the use of a large number of foreign characters in small block letters, and at the same time was able to be good at all kinds of small regular forms at the same time. It greatly influenced a group of small-letter calligraphers in the late Ming Dynasty and later in the Ming Dynasty.
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