[Abstract]:The "temporary relationship" art exhibition opened at Beijing Dez Gallery on June 19, 2015. The curators were Wang Dongdong, and the exhibitors were Bida, Chen Qiji, Chen Youtong, Chen Xingzhou, Cheng Yi, Hu Yiping, Shi, Sun Yuan, Wang Xiao. Wang Xudong and Xia Yan. The exhibition theme "temporary relationship" is a kind of problem consciousness. Wang Dongdong believes that the current exhibition overflowing, lack of professional self-discipline, we should do in the exhibition work to reflect on the different backgrounds, different forms of art in the meaningful temporary collection here. He hopes to find the cultural rationality of the exhibition itself. The exhibition is also intended to explore the exhibition itself, the curatorial process reflects the curators themselves for a long time to face some reflection on the professionalism of the exhibition, but also a self-examination of art.
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