[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, people pay more and more attention to the way of cultural exchange and dissemination. The exhibition industry is accompanied by international cultural and technological exchanges and the rise of the wind and water. The lighting design in the display space lays the foundation for the successful holding of all kinds of exhibitions. Compared with developed countries, China's lighting industry started later. Lighting design still has great potential in displaying the function and artistic value of space. In this paper, the development and application of lighting design in display space are comprehensively analyzed and summarized by scholars at home and abroad at present. Starting with the construction of light environment in display space between natural light source and artificial lighting, this paper summarizes and analyzes the specific technical operation, innovation angle and development trend, and explores how to save energy under the premise of green energy saving. Meet the functional and artistic lighting of the display space. The circulation of natural light and artificial light source in display space and the application of display area are discussed in detail.
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