发布时间:2018-04-08 23:18
本文选题:成都农商银行 切入点:激励机制 出处:《西南财经大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:不断深化的金融改革和银行业间日益加剧的竞争,以及信息经济、知识经济和高新技术的飞速发展,对农村商业银行的内部管理模式产生了深刻的影响。作为高度知识密集型的产业,同质化的劳动力与普通实物资本在银行业竞争中的作用正变得越来越小,竞争的焦点已经投射在人才的储备上。因此,在新形势下,如何提高银行自身运营效益,建立合理有效的绩效管理体系,从而能够吸引人才、留住人才并用好人才,就显得尤为迫切。 成都农商行于2010年由信用社改制成为股份制商业银行,并于2011年引进战略投资者安邦保险。作为脱胎于农村信用社的独立机构,其转制以后希望通过建立健全现代企业制度,以提高企业整体业绩与员工个人绩效为目的,致力于推进激励制度改革,不断完善企业各项激励机制考核,增强员工的满意度、忠诚度和企业归属感,使其能够真心诚意地与企业共进退。然而,现实的情况却不尽如人意。由于农商行起点较低,过去信用社的员工包袱较重,旧有制度痕迹和影响仍然存在于企业的诸多方面,各项薪酬激励与考核机制尚未有效建立和完善,绩效管理仍没有摆脱企业转制前的管理模式。因此,针对农商行的实际情况,配合企业整体发展战略的需要,专题来研究农商行的激励机制便具有了较强的现实意义。 本文是以成都农商行的内部激励制度为研究对象,解析该制度现在的运作情况和存在的问题,综合运用商务理论知识和多种分析方法,在结合作者在其中的管理经验,提出如何改进农商行的激励制度的重要建议。 本文将成都农村商业银行的现行激励机制考核作为探析的切入点,从科学制定绩效管理流程、搞好“定岗、定责、定编”、科学确定量化指标、加大控制力度、即时兑现等几个方面,对现有激励机制考核进行了深入细致的剖析,并提出了进一步改进的建议和策略,希望通过将员工个人绩效考核和机构团队绩效评价有机结合起来,将员工绩效管理作为保障团体绩效成果的重点,将企业的实际需求和员工的成长收益相连接,建立起指标具体化、可操作性强、上下一致性高的考核机制。 本文共分为六个章节。第一章介绍本文的研究背景和目的。第二章主要回顾了农商行近年发展情况,对其管理的实际情况和特殊性做了相关介绍。重点指出由于激励机制考核的落后,导致资源分配不合理,人才战略难以有效实施,使得农商行整体发展受阻。第三章详细描述激励机制的派别体系和对应的理论,将实际制定的激励机制考核和激励理论基础结合分析。第四章重在解说农村商业银行当前的激励考核制度及其存在的问题。第五章结合成都农商银行激励机制存在的问题提出未来改进完善的对策建议。第六章总结全文,并提出中心观点。 从成都农商银行自身条件出发,从实际存在的问题入手,笔者结合自身的管理实践,将农村商业银行的一般激励制度和成都农商行特殊的激励制度同时分析,从宏观理论落实在微观的操作性分析,在对成都农商银行进行宏观环境分析和同行业案例比较分析的同时;剖析成都农商银行存在的深层次制度问题,在此基础之上,进行理论提炼。同时,本文努力在研究中平衡理论与实际、宏观经济环境与企业微观管理情况的分析,重在对现行的绩效激励机制提出可操作的改良建议。 由于笔者理论水平和时间有限,对激励问题研究涉及的宏观制度背景、行业现状和企业总体的发展思路等问题未进行更深入全面的分析和阐述,且主要聚焦于激励问题中的薪酬考核问题,未对激励问题涉及的其他相关方面做更全面深入的分析,得出的分析结果难免有些片面,请各位学者帮助指正。
[Abstract]:The growing competition of deepening financial reform and the banking industry, and the rapid development of information economy, knowledge economy and high technology, have a profound impact on the internal management mode of rural commercial banks. As a highly knowledge intensive industry, labor force and physical capital in the homogenization of competition in the banking sector the role is becoming more and more small, the focus of competition has been projected on the talents reserve. Therefore, in the new situation, how to improve the bank's operational efficiency, build a reasonable and effective performance management system, which will be able to attract and retain talent and make good use of talents, it is particularly urgent.
Chengdu commercial bank in 2010 by credit cooperatives restructuring into joint-stock commercial banks, and the introduction of strategic investors in 2011. The Ampang insurance institutions as independent from the rural credit cooperatives, after the hope that through the establishment of a sound modern enterprise system, to improve the overall performance and individual performance of employees for the purpose, committed to advancing the reform of the incentive system. The continuous improvement of enterprise incentive mechanism evaluation, enhance employee satisfaction, loyalty and sense of ownership of enterprise, the enterprise can wholeheartedly and aligned. However, the real situation is not satisfactory. Because of the low starting point for agricultural credit cooperatives, past employees burden is heavy, the old system still exists in the traces and influence many aspects of the enterprise, the compensation incentive and evaluation mechanism has yet to establish an effective and perfect performance management is still not out of the enterprise management mode for. Therefore, in view of the actual situation of the agricultural and commercial banks and the needs of the overall development strategy of the enterprises, it is of great practical significance to study the incentive mechanism of the agricultural and commercial banks.
This paper is based on the Chengdu agricultural firm's internal incentive system as the research object, analyzing the system operation situation now and existing problems, the integrated use of business knowledge and various analysis methods, the author combined with the management experience, important suggestions how to improve the agricultural firm incentive system.
This paper will present incentive mechanism evaluation of Chengdu rural commercial bank as the starting point of the development of performance management process from science to posts, will be responsible for setting a quota, scientifically determine the quantitative index, increased control, instant cash and other aspects of the existing incentive mechanism, assessment has been analyzed thoroughly, and puts forward some suggestions and the strategies for further improvement, hope the staff individual performance appraisal mechanism and team performance evaluation organically, the staff performance management as the key security group performance results, the actual needs of the enterprises and the staff growth and income connected to establish index specific, operability assessment mechanism consistency high.
This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the research background and purpose. The second chapter reviews the development situation of agricultural firms in recent years, the actual situation and particularity of its management. It introduces key points as the incentive mechanism evaluation of backward, lead to irrational allocation of resources, it is difficult to effectively implement talent strategy. The agricultural firm overall development is blocked. The third chapter describes factions incentive system and the corresponding theory will be combined with the actual development of the incentive mechanism evaluation and incentive theory analysis. The fourth chapter focuses on the current interpretation of the rural commercial bank incentive assessment system and its problems. Put forward countermeasures and suggestions for the improvement of the perfect combination of the fifth chapter of Chengdu agriculture the bank incentive mechanism existing problems. The sixth chapter summarizes the full text, and put forward the center point of view.
From the point of view of the Chengdu rural commercial bank itself, starting from the practical problems, the author combined with management practice, the rural commercial bank general incentive system and agricultural firms Chengdu special incentive system and analysis, from the macro theory to the analysis in the operation of micro, in Chengdu rural commercial bank, analyzes the macro environment and the case with a comparative analysis of the industry at the same time; deep analysis of system problems of Chengdu rural commercial bank, on the basis of theoretical abstraction. At the same time, this paper try to study the balance in theory and practice, analysis of the macroeconomic environment and micro management of enterprises, focusing on the recommendations for improvement of operational performance of current incentive mechanism.
Because of the limited time and the level of theory, macro institutional background of the research problem relates to incentive problems, industry and enterprise overall development ideas were not further analyzed and expounded comprehensively, and the problems of salary assessment mainly focus on incentive problems, do a more comprehensive analysis into other related aspects of the incentive problem the analysis result is somewhat one-sided, please help scholars.
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