[Abstract]:Energy is the material basis for the existence and development of human economy and society. Without energy support, there will be no basic production activities. China is the fastest growing country in the world's large economies. Many experts believe that China is still in the period of accelerating industrialization and urbanization. The moderate growth of China's economy will continue for a long time. However, we still need to consider that we do not have enough energy to sustain the sustained growth we need for development. What kind of energy prices can effectively meet the needs of China's economic growth? Therefore, energy prices, economic growth and goods are needed. The organic link between monetary policy has been studied deeply.
On the basis of absorbing the relevant literatures and research results at home and abroad, this paper first discusses the formation mechanism of energy price, aiming to have a clear understanding of the core content of this paper-energy price; secondly, it studies the relationship between energy price and the price of related industries and the relationship between energy price and the total price level. The next step is to study the relationship between energy consumption and total output to provide prerequisites; thirdly, on the basis of economic growth theory, the relationship between energy consumption and total output is studied by introducing energy factors into Cobb-Douglas production function; thirdly, on the basis of monetary and monetary policy theory, the energy price, total output and currency are studied. The relationship between policies is the core of this paper. Finally, on the basis of the above research, the paper puts forward policy recommendations on energy price, monetary policy regulation and energy development. Method.
The main conclusions of this paper are:
(1) China's energy price formation mechanism can not make the price mechanism, the lever of resource allocation, play its due role. It is necessary to fully compensate the internal and external costs of energy resources, i.e. energy prices should reflect the value of resources themselves and the environmental costs brought about by exploration, exploitation and use. The reform of the resource tax and fee system should be carried out to break the monopoly pattern and introduce the competition mechanism so that the price mechanism can really guide the rational distribution of energy resources.
(2) China's energy prices are closely related to the prices of related industries and even to the total price level. The rise of energy prices will eventually lead to the rise of the total price level, and the impact of energy prices on producer price index and consumer price index is inconsistent.
(3) There is a long-term equilibrium relationship between energy consumption and economic growth. After the implementation of the market economic system, China's energy intensity has been significantly reduced and energy efficiency has been significantly improved due to the strengthening of market constraints on micro-subjects.
(4) Reasonable monetary policy should be adopted to regulate the relationship between energy price and total price level and between energy price and total output. However, as an important tool of monetary policy, money supply and interest rate do not play a significant role in China. The main reason is that foreign exchange accounts lead to the passivity of money supply tools and interest rates. The lower marketization makes the adjustment of interest rate very limited, which requires the innovation of monetary policy tools, the liberation of the two existing tools, and the use of new financial derivatives for macro-control.
The innovations of this paper are as follows:
(1) Based on the economic growth theory and the national income theory, this paper makes a comprehensive study of the relationship between the long-term and short-term energy prices, total output and monetary policy. This research path is helpful to reveal the organic relationship between the three factors in an all-round way, and makes a quantitative study on the basis of qualitative analysis, which is helpful to understand quantitatively the three variables. The relationship between them.
(2) Based on input-output technology, this paper quantitatively studies the relationship between various energy prices such as coal, electricity, oil and the prices of related industries, and puts forward a series of price transmission chains around the energy industry, which provides a basis for macro-policy regulation and price fluctuation of energy industry-related industries.
(3) Based on the empirical analysis of energy price and monetary policy variables, and combined with the monetary policy theory, this paper holds that the traditional monetary policy regulation is still applicable in China, but when the price of energy price fluctuations caused by cost-driven price increases, the current monetary policy tools in the adjustment of money supply Fossilization needs to accelerate the marketization of interest rates or achieve new goals by means of new financial instruments.
(4) Systematically investigating the price formation mechanism of all kinds of main energy resources, especially the price formation mechanism of coal resources in China, analyzing the problems existing in the price formation mechanism of coal resources, and pointing out that unreasonable internal cost and incomplete external cost are the main defects of the price mechanism of coal resources, and proposing to improve the price formation mechanism of coal and other major energy resources. Class price formation mechanism.
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