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发布时间:2018-10-05 15:28
[Abstract]:This paper closely combines the objective facts of the US dollar hegemony in the international monetary system and the dilemma of the Chinese RMB under the US dollar hegemony system, taking the development of the US dollar hegemony and the historical course of the Sino-US exchange rate game as the clue. This paper analyzes the exchange rate dispute between China and the United States in detail. The hegemonic position of the dollar did not change fundamentally even in the global financial crisis of 2008. In this environment, China's RMB exchange rate regime is facing mirror. As the United States continues to put pressure on the yuan, China is also actively responding. This paper analyzes the exchange rate game between China and America from the perspectives of the United States and China, and finally summarizes the countermeasures of China's RMB exchange rate regime. The paper is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion, in which the structure of the text is divided into four chapters. The main contents of the first chapter are as follows: the main contents of the first chapter are the background, purpose and significance of the topic, the current research situation at home and abroad, the research methods and framework structure, new ideas and shortcomings. The second chapter analyzes the current international environment of the exchange rate dispute between China and the United States, that is, the international monetary system with the dollar hegemony as the core. From the establishment of the Bretton Woods system and the initial formation of the dollar hegemony system, the development and evolution of the dollar hegemony system and the maintenance of the dollar hegemony system after the financial crisis, this paper expounds the dollar hegemony in detail. The third chapter analyzes the dilemma of the current RMB exchange rate system under the hegemonic system of US dollar, such as the dilemma of high savings, the fear of RMB floating, and the dilemma of price stability and exchange rate stability under the flexible exchange rate system. The reason why the RMB exchange rate system is so difficult is the current international monetary system. The fourth and fifth chapters mainly discuss the exchange rate game between China and the United States. The fourth chapter analyzes the origin and motivation of American pressure on RMB, and the fifth chapter analyzes how China responds to American pressure. In fact, the process of China's pressure on American exchange rate is the process of RMB exchange rate system reform. China's exchange rate reform takes into account external pressure and adjusts different policies due to domestic factors. The conclusion of the sixth chapter summarizes the recent, medium-term and forward objectives of the reform of RMB exchange rate regime. The RMB needs to further improve the foreign exchange management system, expand the RMB settlement scope, and gradually promote the process of RMB internationalization. This is more conducive to the development of the renminbi.


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