[Abstract]:Based on the empirical data of 99 H-share companies in the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, this paper aims to investigate the influencing factors and economic consequences of overseas listing and domestic return of Chinese domestic enterprises. Based on the characteristics of the ownership concentration of listed companies and the ultimate ownership by the government, the thesis takes controlling shareholders and ultimate controllers as the motivation to explain the dual listing at the company level and the national level, respectively. It is found that the shareholding ratio of controlling shareholders is negatively correlated with dual listing, while that of government-controlled companies is positively correlated with dual listing. After controlling for company size, performance, financial leverage and industry factors related to national security and national economic lifeline, the above conclusions still hold true. Further research shows that the operating performance of foreign listed companies after dual listing is significantly lower than that before listing. The research in this paper shows that it is a kind of governance motivation for controlling shareholders to support the company to go to the foreign market with better legal environment and more strict supervision. However, the government interferes with the dual listing of the companies under its actual control because of political motivation, and the inconsistency of the objectives between the enterprises and the government reflects the conflicts and difficulties that Chinese enterprises are facing when they are listed abroad.
【作者单位】: 西南财经大学;西华大学管理学院;
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