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发布时间:2019-02-27 17:58
【摘要】:随着世界范围内产业结构的调整和优化升级,,服务业在国民经济中所起的作用日益显现,国际服务贸易也得到长足的发展,其占世界贸易的比重不断增大。金融业作为服务业的一个重要组成部门,大力发展金融服务业是既是维护金融业的稳定与发展,确保国家金融安全的内在要求,也是外部形势所迫。我国金融服务业的发展水平还远远落后于发达国家的发展水平,主要体现在金融工具品种有限、同类金融服务业同质性强、金融组织发展不平衡等方面;我国在加入WTO时在《服务贸易协定》中对开放我国的服务业做出了很高的承诺,这一举措在一定程度上促进了我国金融服务贸易的发展。随着保护期的结束及世界金融自由化的浪潮推动,我国的金融机构面临着同国内外同业金融机构同台竞技的挑战,因此全面深入地分析我国金融服务贸易存在的问题,找出影响其国际竞争力的因素并进而有针对性地提出增强其国际竞争力水平的对策具有重要的理论与实践意义。 本文的主要内容包括绪论在内共分为六大部分:第一部分绪论,从三个方面系统梳理了迄今为止国内外学者对本课题的研究成果;第二部分利用比较优势理论、竞争优势理论与WEF和IMD指标体系的国际竞争力理论阐述了金融服务贸易国际竞争力的理论基础;第三部分着重分析了现阶段我国金融服务贸易的发展现状;第四部分借助波特的竞争优势理论来解析影响我国金融服务贸易竞争力的几大关键性因素:市场开放度、金融创新与金融体制、产业集群、生产要素、需求状况、企业战略结构和竞争、政府支持等;第五部分通过贸易竞争力指数、显性比较优势指数、市场占有率指数等竞争力评价指标对我国金融服务贸易竞争力作定量分析,通过横向与纵向对比,定位我国金融服务贸易的比较优势;第六部分根据我国金融服务贸易发展中存在的问题,从宏观和微观两方面为提升我国金融服务贸易竞争力建言献策。
[Abstract]:With the adjustment and upgrading of the industrial structure in the world, the service industry plays an increasingly important role in the national economy, and the international trade in services has also been greatly developed, and its proportion in the world trade is increasing. As an important part of the service industry, the development of the financial service industry is not only the internal requirement to maintain the stability and development of the financial industry, but also the external situation. The development level of our financial service industry still lags far behind that of the developed countries, mainly embodied in the limited variety of financial instruments, the strong homogeneity of the same kind of financial services, the imbalance of the development of financial organizations, and so on. When China joined the WTO, it made a high commitment to opening up our service industry in the Agreement on Trade in Services, which to a certain extent promoted the development of China's financial services trade. With the end of the protection period and the promotion of the tide of world financial liberalization, the financial institutions of our country are facing the challenge of competing with their counterparts at home and abroad. Therefore, the problems existing in the trade in financial services in China are analyzed comprehensively and in depth. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to find out the factors that affect its international competitiveness and put forward the countermeasures to enhance its international competitiveness. The main contents of this paper are divided into six parts including introduction: the first part is introduction, which systematically combs the research achievements of domestic and foreign scholars on this subject from three aspects; The second part uses comparative advantage theory, competitive advantage theory and international competitiveness theory of WEF and IMD index system to expound the theoretical basis of international competitiveness of financial service trade. The third part focuses on the analysis of the current situation of the development of China's financial services trade; The fourth part uses Porter's theory of competitive advantage to analyze the key factors affecting the competitiveness of China's financial services trade: market openness, financial innovation and financial system, industrial clusters, production factors, and demand conditions. Enterprise strategic structure and competition, government support; The fifth part makes a quantitative analysis on the competitiveness of China's financial services trade by trade competitiveness index, dominant comparative advantage index and market share index, and compares it horizontally and vertically. Positioning the comparative advantage of China's financial service trade; In the sixth part, according to the problems existing in the development of China's financial service trade, suggestions are made for improving the competitiveness of China's financial service trade from both macro and micro aspects.


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