发布时间:2017-01-02 10:11
2009-8-1 10:28:15 来源:
Science and Technology Cicles Misconduct Reason Analysis and Coutermeasure Researches
论文单位武汉科技大学,点击次数0,论文页数40页File Size2258k
scientific misconduct;reason analysis;countermeasure research
今日中国学界思想活跃,视野开阔,成果迭出,队伍壮大,颇令人振奋。然而,也有不尽如人意之处,如学术规范之缺失、学术失范之弥漫,实已到了令人悚然心惊的地步,也引起学界乃至整个社会有识之士的思考,学术失范成为当今我国学界存在的一个突出的问题。这些问题有的已长期存在,有的已相当严重,有的还在继续蔓延,还有的尚处在潜伏的状态,但都对我国的教育与学术风气、学术形象、学术环境、人才培养等造成了严重危害。 严重的学术失范会阻滞我国学术的发展与繁荣,延缓精神文明建设的进程。正因为如此,整治学术失范的呼声近年来在学界日益高涨。也成为2003年全国政协五次会议上的一个讨论话题。何为学术失范?有哪些表现?其主要根源是什么?如何进行有效地整治?国内外研究的现状如何?本文尝试着对上述问题进行较为系统的分析并找出解决的基本思路。 第一章首先从学术失范的定义入手,将学术失范界定为:学术人用不符合学术道德规范的手段来实现个人目标(职称、金钱等),接着指出学术失范在现阶段的表现,如研究工作中少数人违背学术道德,侵占他人学术成果,或抄袭剽窃,或请他人代写论文,或署名不实;粗制滥造论文,个别人甚至篡改、伪造实验数据;受不良风气影响,有的人利用权利为自己谋取学位、文凭,有些学校在利益驱动下降低标准乱发文凭等。并进一步阐述了学术失范对我国科学研究事业、学术新人培养等方面的危害,使得科学的公正性被践踏,学术风气受到不良影响。 第二章分析了学术失范的原因,首先是科学共同体科学精神的缺乏。科学精神气质是科学共同体成员为保障学术研究,实现知识创新的目标而约定俗成的基本道德规范。由于种种原因,科学共同体的科学精神在我国一直无法得到充分的发展,使得我国学术界的科学精神气质的发育存在着严重的缺陷,由此导致了学风不正。其次是学术评价机制也存在严重的缺陷,量化管理方式并不适用于学术管理。学术研究者的精神产品的质量和绩效是无法用数量来界定或衡量的,高校的评价机制同样存在严重的缺陷,现在的学术鼓励制度,存在着明显的急功近利现象,而急于求成的学术管理正是产生大量学术剽窃、论文抄袭现象的根源之一。学术失范产生的第三个原因是缺乏有效的监控和追惩制度,使失范者有恃无恐。第四是行政管理替代学术管理,行政权利支配学术事务,导致了官员的“寻租”行为。 第三章提出了解决学术失范问题的措施,第一,完善现行的学术管理制度体系。加强学术立法,明确学术规范。要惩治学术失范,首先应明确规范,使人明白哪些行为是违规的,因而是不可为的,一旦违规后果会怎样。第二,完善学术评价制度。必须实行学术回避制度,在程序公正的基础上,依靠学者的学术水平来实现实质上的公正。依法建立成果评价中介机构,中介机构为独立法人,具体负责学术成果的鉴定、评奖工作。第三,弘扬科学精神,,加强学风建设。首先政府应加强政风建设,为学人营造良好的社会环境,其次学术人应提升自己的学术道德素质和自律精神。面对各种不良的社会现象,学人应有一种“出污泥而不染”的内在追求,不断提高自身的学术道德素质。 本文的创新之处在于较为系统地分析了学术失范的原因,并提出了解决的方法和措施。
The Chinese educational circles thought is active in today .The visual field is spacious ,rich achievements in scientific researches ,the troops is strong , making person fig up .However ,also it have problem .Such as lack of scientific standard ,widespread scientific misconduct .This situation also causing scientific and technology circles to considering .Scientific misconduct becoming our educational circles outstanding problems.These problems ,some have exist over a long period ,some have very seriously ,the others have still in the hide place .But these problems result in endanger seriously for our country education and scholarship image ,scholarship environment and foster talent.The serious scientific misconduct will hinder our country scholarship development and prosperous ,defer the progress of spiritual civilization .For this reason ,the noise of cure scientific misconduct increasingly in the educational circles in recent years .This noise became a discuss topic in the Fifth C.P.P.C ,2003 .What is scientific misconduct ?Which performance ?What is their source ?How to proceed the effectively curing ?How is domestic and international present investigative condition ?This thesis tries to analysis of the system and find out the basic way of thinking to resolve problem .First chapter give the scientific misconduct definition rintellectual use that not agree with the scholarship moral norm realize personal target (title ,money...etc) .Immediately ,point out the scientific misconduct current performance .For example ,minority disobey the scholarship morals ,seize the others scholarship result ,or copy and plagiarize ,ask others write the thesis ,sign signature dishonest ;work carelessly to the thesis ,a few people even distort ,forge the experiment data ; suffering the bad moral atmosphere effects ,a few people make use of right seek the academic degree ,diploma ;some schools drive in the benefits to random confer diploma , etc .Further ,expatiated the scientific misconduct harm for our science and educate the new person .It"s making the fair of science trampled ,the scholarship custom were influenced badly .Second chapter analysis the scientific misconduct reason .Firstly ,it lack science spirit .Science spirit is basic moral norm that scientist set up and agreement norm for science study .Because of many kinds reasons ,the science spirit in the our country can"t develop well ,make the growth of science spirit in our country exist serious drawback ,cause scholarship atmosphere not well .Secondly ,the scholarship judge rules have serious drawback .The manage way of quantity not used well for the scholarship management .The quality of the spirit product can"t definition or measure by their quantity .The present scholarship of encourage system exist utility phenomenon ,but impatient of scholarship management is the sources that produce large quantity plagiarize .The scholarship periodical uses the manuscript period over long ,cause one manuscript give to some periodical .Third reason is lacks of supervise ,control and make track for the system of punish .The fourth is an administration management to act for the scholarship manages administration rightdominate scholarship bushiness ,cause official "look for rent" behavior .Third chapter put forward measure for solve the scientific misconduct .Firstly ,perfect current scholarship management system .Enhance the scholarship law making ,clear and definite scholarship standard ,make person understand which behaviors are to violate the rules ,as result it is doesn"t .Secondly ,perfect scholarship evade system ,it will depend on the scholar"s scholarship level to realize the fair foundation .Establish the intermediary organization in the evaluation by law organization as the independence legal person ,it concrete responsible for the scholarship work evaluate .Thirdly ,expand the science spirit ,enhance atmosphere of a school developments .The government should enaance atmosphere of politics ,construct good social atmosphere for scholarship circles .N