本文关键词:河南省体育产业与旅游产业整合及协同策略研究 出处:《河南师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Henan Province has rich natural and human tourism resources, tourism industry development is relatively popular, sports industry with its unique charm in recent years also shows a rapid rise trend, and has a strong development potential. However, with the development of society, the single form of industrial development model no longer has advantages. In order to promote the development of sports industry and tourism industry in Henan Province, this paper uses the method of literature and questionnaire. Mathematical statistics and case analysis, in Henan Province sports industry and tourism industry integration and coordination on the basis of theory and practice. The present situation of the integration and coordination of sports industry and tourism industry in Henan Province is investigated: the construction of relevant laws and regulations and preferential policies in Henan Province have made great progress; The consumption ability of mass sports has also been improved to a certain extent; The rapid development of sports driven by tourism has achieved initial results; The integration of sports industry and tourism industry and the development of typical cases are gradually on the right track. The main problems are as follows: first, although the relevant policies have been formulated, the planning and implementation of the government is still lagging behind; Second, the overall situation of residents sports consumption is not good, in addition to the level of regional economic development, but also by the weak awareness of sports consumption of residents; Third, the tourism drive effect is not strong, mainly reflected in the tourism industry sports introduction subject to certain restrictions; In 4th, the integration of sports industry and tourism industry and coordination of product brand effect is weak, the formation scale is small, the content is single; In 5th, the market potential of integration and collaboration is great, but blind and utilitarian phenomena frequently appear. In order to promote the integration and coordination of sports industry and tourism industry in Henan Province, this study put forward strategies from three aspects of government, society and market. That is to say, in the government, we should actively formulate relevant policies and preferences, innovate the system, rationally allocate the integration and coordinate resources; In the market, we should take the market demand as the guidance, strengthen the enterprise cooperation, promote the integration product culture connotation; In the social aspect, encourage all walks of life to actively invest, be good at giving play to the advantage of the media. The conclusion of this paper is: 1) the integration and coordinated development of sports industry and tourism industry in Henan Province is in its infancy. Great potential for development; (2) relevant policies are made in a timely manner, but there is still a lag in planning and implementation; 3) the tourism industry of Henan Province is developing well, and the prospect of promoting the development of sports industry is broad. There are many typical examples of sports industry and tourism industry integration and coordination. The international influence is expanding day by day. The following suggestions are put forward: 1) the relevant practitioners should pay close attention to the opportunities for development, be flexible in the long run, guard against arrogance and impatience, and do not give up any opportunities for development; 2) the relevant government departments should actively plan and strive to put the policy into practice. 3) learn from the tourism industry actively and strengthen the sports industry itself with the help of the development of the tourism industry; 4) the sports industry should encourage the development of innovation, actively build its own brand, expand its influence and enhance its attractiveness.
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