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发布时间:2018-01-30 05:46

  本文关键词: 屯垦戍边 兵团非遗 军垦博物馆 保护传承 创新发展 出处:《石河子大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国是一个多元文化交融的国家,每个地区、每个民族都有悠久、辉煌的历史文化,积淀了蕴藏量大而广的非物质文化遗产(以下或简称“非遗”)。非遗不仅是先辈留给我们的宝贵的精神财富,也是各个地区、各个民族,乃至整个中华文化认同和发展的重要标志。全球化进程对于非物质文化遗产来说是一把双刃剑,既造成了生存困境和碰撞冲突,也带来了发展空间和创新活力。而保护和传承非遗,对一个拥有5000年悠久历史、文化灿烂的多元一体国家而言,具有特殊的社会意义和教育价值。 兵团自成立之初到现在,一直延续文化戍边的传统,从屯垦拓荒初期军垦战士在田间地头的“五兵”活动到现在兵团职工在各师、团、连文化广场上进行的形式多样的群众艺术活动,这些珍贵的精神文化遗产承载了兵团人60年来在荒滩、戈壁上创造的人间奇迹和兵团人凝聚的军垦精神,这些无形文化遗产应该得到弘扬、保护和传承。本文在非遗保护理论视角下,探讨兵团非遗在军垦博物馆中的保护传承现状及其发展构想,既是对非遗保护理论的丰富和拓展,也是为兵团非遗的保护传承与军垦博物馆建设发展探索结合路径而提供理论和实践依据。透过军垦博物馆这一反映兵团人屯垦戍边历史文化的窗口,科学利用兵团非遗作为助推器,,使二者展开双翼,相辅相成,锦上添花。这样做,不仅丰富了军垦博物馆向世人展示、宣传和了解兵团历史文化的平台,而且对认识、研究和壮大兵团充实了鲜活内容;不仅是为老军垦对兵团非遗的共同记忆的记录,也是对兵团青少年、新职工进行屯垦戍边教育的活教材;不仅能够凸显以先进文化为引领、以军垦文化为特色的非遗保护与军垦博物馆结合发展的理念,而且可以更有效地活态传承和保护兵团非遗。这对兵团文化建设、守望精神文化家园、弘扬军垦精神都有着重要的理论和现实意义。 第一部分:绪论。总体阐释本选题的研究背景、源起与意义。对近年来国内外非遗保护与博物馆建设相关研究以及兵团非遗保护相关研究进行综述和分析,以从理论上阐明非遗保护与博物馆的建设、发展两者之间的可行性与兼容性,阐明本论文的主要研究方法及田野调查点的选择。 第二部分:非遗保护相关理论与实践。本章从非遗相关理论视角,阐释非遗的概念及其界定、保护方针及其原则、传承主体及保护主体、非遗的教育价值等相关理论,论证非遗能够成为博物馆的保护对象且博物馆能在非遗保护中产生积极作用的主要学术观点。笔者并以此阐明军垦博物馆自身所具有的收藏、展示、研究、教育等文化功能对于兵团非遗保护传承的优势以及兵团非遗在军垦博物馆的保护传承中对于提升博物馆在“四个认同”中的作用以及强固这一文化空间产生的积极作用。以此为下文作理论铺垫。 第三部分:兵团非遗在军垦博物馆保护传承的现状调查分析。本章通过兵团相关文化宣传部门这几年对兵团非遗保护传承工作做出的成绩以及兵团非遗项目现面临的困境等现状调查,引出博物馆化保护非遗的方式。以笔者选取调研走访的兵团军垦博物馆、三五九旅屯垦纪念馆、六师五家渠市军垦博物馆八师148团莫索湾屯垦展览馆、149团团史陈列馆以及150团军垦纪念馆作为重点,对兵团非遗在军垦博物馆中保护传承的现状做调查,并发现由于资金、馆所面积、馆内人员知识结构的局限以及博物馆自身运营及管理模式的缺陷等,使得军垦博物馆在非遗保护传承方面面临一些实际问题。 第四部分:兵团非遗在军垦博物馆保护传承的路径探索。本章主要针对前一章兵团非遗在军垦博物馆保护传承中面临的问题和挑战提出了解决问题的对策、路径。如充分利用博物馆周边军垦文化广场场地,加强以师团为单位的馆际互动,提高馆内相关人员知识架构及职业素养,跟上数字化保护的时代新步伐,丰富和提升军垦博物馆展示、教育和研究的综合平台,以达到活态、全面、科学地保护传承兵团非遗境地。 第五部分:结语。陈述了本文想要解决的问题、选题特色、得出的结论,以及本论文还存在的不足之处。希冀以非遗保护工作在军垦博物馆的创造性实践,丰富军垦博物馆内容,既有静态保护,又能以非遗激活动态保护。全文在非遗保护视角下研究兵团非遗与军垦博物馆相辅相成保护和利用,解决非遗理论指导军垦博物馆建设实践问题,亦解决军垦博物馆在实践中检验和丰富非遗理论的问题。真正为二者有机结合的未来发展之路提供理论构想和实践依据。
[Abstract]:The globalization process is a double - edged sword for the intangible cultural heritage , which not only leads to the survival predicament and the collision conflict , but also brings the development space and the innovation vigor . From the beginning of the establishment , the regiment has continued to carry on the tradition of cultural garrison . From the view of non - exhaustion protection theory , this paper discusses the present situation and development conception of the protection and inheritance of the army personnel in the field land . It not only enriches and expands the historical culture of the army corps , but also provides the theoretical and practical basis for the protection and inheritance of the army corps and the development of the military reclamation museum . Part one : Introduction . The research background , origin and significance of this topic are summarized and analyzed . In this paper , the research on non - exhaustion protection and museum construction at home and abroad and the related research on the protection of military corps are reviewed and analyzed in order to clarify the feasibility and compatibility between non - exhaustion protection and museum construction and development , and clarify the main research methods and the selection of field investigation points . Part Two : The theory and practice of non - exhaustive protection . This chapter explains the concept of non - exhaustion and its definition , the protection policy and its principles , the inheritance subject and the main academic viewpoint that the museum can play a positive role in the protection of non - exhaustion . In the third part , this chapter makes a survey on the status quo of the protection and inheritance of the military reclamation museum . This chapter makes a survey on the status quo of the heritage preservation in the military reclamation museum by the relevant cultural propaganda department of the regiment , and finds out that the military reclamation museum is faced with some practical problems in the inheritance of the non - heritage conservation due to the limitations of the fund , the area of the museum , the limitations of the knowledge structure of the staff in the museum and the defects of the operation and management mode of the museum . The fourth part is to explore the way to solve the problems and challenges facing the protection and inheritance of the military reclamation museum . This chapter mainly aims at the problems and challenges faced by the former chapter in the protection and inheritance of the military reclamation museum , and puts forward the countermeasures and the path for solving the problem . In the fifth part , the author sets forth the problems to be solved in this paper , the characteristics of the topic , the conclusion drawn from this paper , and the deficiency of this paper .



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