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发布时间:2018-03-12 11:54

  本文选题:CO_2排放 切入点:全要素生产率 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:China is one of the fastest developing countries in the world. It contains not only rich natural resources, but also rich cultural resources. However, With the "rough" development of China's tourism economy in recent years, a series of environmental problems have arisen. Such as huge consumption of resources and environmental damage. Waste of resources and environmental damage will inevitably hinder the healthy development of China's tourism industry in the future, and will gradually deepen with the expansion of the scale of tourism, so, The research on the input-output efficiency of tourism industry has become a key area of tourism research. Based on the above macro background, this paper first measures the CO_2 emissions of tourism industry, and takes the amount of CO_2 emissions from tourism industry to the east and middle of China. The western region has been reclassified, and then the overall characteristic analysis and the regional characteristic analysis of the CO_2 emissions of China's tourism industry have been carried out respectively. The CO_2 emissions of the inter-provincial tourism industry are regarded as non-expected output. The total factor productivity (TFP) of inter-provincial tourism in China from 2005 to 2015 was measured by using the Malmquist-Luenberger productivity index method of non-expected output, and a comparative analysis was made between the total factor productivity (TFP) considering CO_2 emissions and the total factor productivity (TFP) which did not take into account CO_2 emissions. Finally, the temporal changes and regional differences of China's total factor productivity (TFP), which only consider the CO_2 emissions, are explored. The measurement of CO_2 emissions from Chinese tourism and the empirical analysis of TFP in China are carried out. We can draw the following conclusion: (1) the overall characteristic of CO_2 emissions from Chinese tourism is that tourism transport is the main source of CO_2 emissions from tourism. Secondly, the regional characteristics of tourism CO_2 emissions in China are similar to those of China's regional economic development. (3) the traditional measurement method, which does not consider CO_2 emissions, overestimates the total factor productivity of tourism in China. The total factor productivity (TFP) of Chinese tourism considering CO_2 emission, the change of technological efficiency, the change of technological progress and the growth rate of technological progress are lower than those without CO_2 emissions.) TFP of Chinese tourism is mainly driven by technological progress, and the total factor productivity of tourism in China is mainly promoted by technological progress. However, the specific change of technical efficiency is mainly influenced by the change of pure technical efficiency. (5) there are significant regional differences in total factor productivity of tourism in China. Considering the CO_2 emission, the growth rate of total factor of tourism in the three major regions is from high to low in order of inter-provincial tourism. The environment of the eastern and western provinces has a significant impact on the growth rate of tourism. There are many phenomena that destroy the ecological environment and waste resources in the process of tourism development in China. This paper puts forward some policy suggestions on low-carbon tourism, technology and regional development.


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