Evaluation on the factors influencing the tourism image of B
《Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment》 2015-03
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Evaluation on the factors influencing the tourism image of Beijing based on tourists' cognition and perception
LIU Zhixing;MA Yaofeng;LI Sen;NIU Yali;WEI Ting;Tourism and Environment College of Shaanxi Normal University;
Based on the existing research results of the influence factor of urban tourism image and the theory proposed by Gunn and Var that the tourism planning contains five supply- side,and the five factors influencing the city tourism image. With the methods of questionnaire,the data collected from the domestic tourists in Beijing during the National Day was processed by the statistical analysis software EXCEL and SPSS17. 0. Results show:( 1) The result of Tourists' image perceptual evaluation on the five influence factors during the National Day in Beijing from high to low was: the tourism facilities,tourism environment,tourism environment,tourism price and travel services.( 2) The correlations between the five influence factors and Beijing tourism image were positive,the influence of the tourism services is the best.( 3) Domestic tourists maintained a supporting attitude toward the transforming and upgrading of tourism image' influence factors of Beijing.
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