本文选题:旅游 + 记忆图谱 ; 参考:《经济地理》2017年02期
[Abstract]:The improvement of market segmentation method of tourist destination is a fundamental work of great significance. Tourism experience memory has the characteristics of diversity and is closely related to the trend of diversified evolution of tourism market. Based on the tourism destination experience memory subdivision market, it is very close to the true state of tourism market. Abstract the elements of tourism experience memory, construct the model of tourism experience memory, calculate the weight of tourism experience memory elements, and use the map analysis based on complex network to obtain the result of tourism market segmentation. This set of methods can be called "memory map market segmentation method." Taking Phoenix ancient city as a case study, the results show that tourism experience memory is suitable as a description variable of market segmentation, the construction of tourism experience memory model is scientific and feasible, and the effect of map construction to realize market segmentation of tourism destination is ideal. The memory map market segmentation method overcomes the problems of conceptualization of description variables, fuzziness of result attributes and pattern of result types.
【作者单位】: 湖南师范大学旅游学院;
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