[Abstract]:Lijiang, Dali tourism resources are rich, representative and potential market throughout the country. Yunnan Province is also one of the key tourism areas at home and abroad, so the development of tourism between the two places has a vital impact on the whole province. Due to the difficulty of developing tourism resources and the close relationship between tourism geographical space and historical culture, the development of tourism faces similar problems. Therefore, under the condition of coexistence of the two strong tourist regions, whether Lijiang and Dali will become two strong competitors, whether the tourism flow between the two places will be separated, and what kind of impact on the spatial field effect of tourism flow will be. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore how to give play to their respective advantages, cooperate with each other and cooperate with each other, effectively implement the countermeasures of tourism competition and cooperation, realize their own brand effects and achieve win-win results. The research of this article is divided into six parts: first, in the introduction to the background, content and purpose, topic selection methods, innovations and technical routes are introduced, and the relevant literature and theoretical basis are summarized in detail. And in the research content, the article framework is described roughly. Secondly, the research results of tourism competition and tourism flow are summarized, the location theory, symbiosis theory, comparative advantage theory, field theory, The system theory and tourism flow theory are summarized and summarized as the basis of this paper. Third, from the point of view of the major tourist market in Lijiang and Dali cities, the paper makes a summary of the study of Lijiang. The tourism flow of Dali (referring to passenger flow) is analyzed in detail to discuss whether tourism competition can be carried out between the two cities and how to realize the competition. Fourthly, the paper analyzes the tourism competition and cooperation mode of Lijiang and Dali. According to the specific basis of tourism competition mode of choice; fifthly, put forward Lijiang Dali tourism competition strategy; sixth, the paper summarizes the full text.
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