[Abstract]:It is of great significance to study the relationship between urban land use change and tourism development for the rational utilization of urban tourism resources. The results of land use change analysis since Zhangjiajie was established show that the overall scale pattern of urban land use in Zhangjiajie has not changed much in the past 24 years, the proportion of forest and grassland is above 78%, and the trend will not be changed. In terms of speed, urban construction land has become the fastest growing and changing land type. From the standard deviation of the rate of change, Wulingyuan land use change is the most active. On the other hand, the conversion of forest grassland and agricultural land to construction land and water land was the main type. The study shows that there is a significant time correspondence relationship between urban land use and urban tourism development in Zhangjiajie. The essence of this relationship is that tourism development influences land use change through strengthening the goal and nature of urban development. And the reaction mechanism of land use change to the further optimization of tourism development environment.
【作者单位】: 中国旅游研究院;中山大学地理学院;
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