[Abstract]:Tourism community is a multi-group intervention place, and the understanding of landscape value space is helpful to understand the complex behavioral and attitude differences among different interest groups within the community. It provides a new theory and method for promoting communication among interest groups and implementing participatory community planning management. Based on the theory of interaction between human and landscape, the study selected the tourist community of Tangyu Town in the northern part of Qinling Mountains as a case study, and used the method of landscape value analysis and PPGIS technology to investigate three different interest groups (local residents) in the community. The spatial composition and distribution characteristics of the perceived value of landscape and its difference. The results show that: (1) the space of perceived value of the crowd shows the characteristics of non-uniform concentration and distribution; A hot spot of perception is formed in some special places. (2) the perception of landscape value among the three groups has both similarities and significant differences. The difference includes two aspects: spatial distribution difference and perception intensity difference, which reflects that the three groups have different imaginations on the value endows and identification of community landscape. (3) the reasons for the difference are various, which is related to the characteristics of the landscape itself. It also has something to do with the interaction between different groups and place, emotional connection and dependence on functional place. (4) the superposition analysis of multi-group value space can provide more abundant information for us to understand the community. According to the value space composition and distribution of the three groups, some consistent and inconsistent regions can be distinguished. Both of them have some reference significance for community planning and management.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院;
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