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发布时间:2018-12-20 11:12
[Abstract]:Since the low-altitude opening in 2010, the shipping industry has begun to have a rapid development. Navigation has been continuously combined with tourism to promote the development of consumer general aviation, and at the same time, it has also led to the rapid development of tourism destination economy. In December 2016, the State Council issued the 13th Five-Year Plan for Tourism Development. It is pointed out that the development of tourism should be combined with the opening up of low-altitude airspace, and various types of navigable tourism activities, such as air sightseeing and low-altitude sports, should be developed in towns and scenic spots with suitable conditions, so as to speed up the development of navigable tourism. However, due to the short period of development of navigable tourism in China and the lack of relevant academic research, most of them are qualitative studies on the definition of navigable tourism, the classification standard of navigable tourism products or the problems existing in the development of navigable tourism, etc. Lack of systematic and in-depth analysis. According to the above research background, on the basis of summarizing the related research results at home and abroad, the author chooses to proceed from the perspectives of navigation industry development and tourism destination system, based on the coupling principle in physics. The current situation of coupling development of navigation industry and tourist destination system, the way of coupling development, the coupling mechanism and the type of coupling products are studied, which enriches the research content of qualitative analysis between them. Secondly, the coupling evaluation model of the two is established, and the coupling element correlation model and the evaluation system are established. Then, Anyang, which has a better development of navigable tourism, is selected as a case study, and the coupling and coordination relationship between Anyang navigation industry and tourism destination system is analyzed quantitatively from the perspective of demonstration, as well as the coupling and coordination relationship between Anyang navigation industry and tourism destination system. Finally, on the basis of qualitative analysis and empirical analysis, the countermeasures to promote the coordinated development of navigation industry and tourism destination system are put forward. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) four kinds of coupling development modes of navigation industry and tourist destination system are obtained; (2) the coupling dynamic mechanism and the type of coupling products between navigation industry and tourism destination system are obtained. (3) the evaluation model of coupling factors between navigation industry and tourist destination system is constructed. (4) it is concluded that Anyang's navigation industry and tourism destination system are in the intermediate coupling stage, in which the navigation industry lags behind before 2015, and achieves synchronous development in 2015; The development level of navigation manufacturing subsystem and tourism resource subsystem is backward, and the coupling development level of navigation industry and tourism resource subsystem is lower than other subsystems.


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