[Abstract]:Based on the theory of economic transformation, this paper makes a qualitative analysis of 6 ancient villages in Yangcheng County and Qinshui County, Shanxi Province, taking the case of coal transfer from ancient villages in Shanxi Province as the research object, and based on the theory of economic transformation. This paper explores the influence factors and dynamic evolution law of rural collective economy from industry to service industry. Through combing the relevant research on the economic transition, this paper constructs the theoretical framework of the influencing factors in different stages of rural collective economy transition from many angles. With the help of qualitative analysis software Nvivo11, the field text data of 6 ancient villages were rooted and analyzed, and the influencing factors of different stages of rural coal transfer were explored. It is found that in the process of rural collective economy transformation, the key factors have the characteristics of dynamic evolution: the initial stage of transition, collective assets and resource basis, the level of grass-roots organization autonomy, and the human capital factors have a strong impact; At the stage of transition and development, social capital and government support are the key to the development of ancient villages. In the mature stage, cooperative collective tourism enterprises should be set up, with the help of the market-oriented thrust of enterprises, the construction of community network should be strengthened, the value system of regional culture should be rebuilt, and the self-development ability of ancient villages should be promoted, and the successful transformation of collective economy would be promoted. The results of the study respond to the role of the key factors in the economic transition theory in the practice of coal transfer to travel in ancient villages, the nature of collective property rights of ancient village resources, and the ideology that rural areas are in urgent need of reconstruction. The innovation of village community self-organization under the goal of national governance efficiency is an important theoretical dimension for the success of collective economy transformation in ancient villages.
【作者单位】: 山西大学历史文化学院;北京大学城市与环境学院旅游研究与规划中心;
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