[Abstract]:The "Romance Beach Resort Business Plan of Thailand" (Romance Beach Resort Ltd.) is a research project to study the feasibility of the business plan and the needs of the target public. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the behavior of consumers who choose accommodation service and the market factors that influence the decision of customers, and to find out the commercial model and possibility of romantic beach resorts. Romantic Beach Resort will be located on the beach of Elephant Island in southern Thailand. The project aims to provide accommodation services with romantic resort themes. Accommodation services will include a wide range of villas and supporting activities such as event management, food and beverage services. The marketing environment is highly attractive, combining existing resort locations and the organizational advantages of the services provided. The researchers used questionnaires to collect data from target consumers in a sample of 200 people. Organizations choose to adopt three levels of organizational strategy, namely, corporate strategy, organizational strategy and functional strategy. In addition, an initial investment budget of 122 million baht, 60 million baht from the owner of the resort and a loan of 62 million baht from the bank at a 5.8 percent interest rate will be paid during the fifth year of operation. The most important influencing factors for consumers are performance, personnel quality and sales. Channels, promotions, prices and products are also important to consumers.
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