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发布时间:2019-02-16 17:32
[Abstract]:Agriculture, as a traditional basic industry in China, has always been a production-oriented development model, which makes the development of agricultural economy slow. With the advancement of China's agricultural modernization, the agricultural economic model must be more diversified and innovative. Therefore, it is an important prerequisite for the agricultural industry reform to tap the agricultural supply-side demand in depth. Agricultural sightseeing tourism is fully adapted to the needs of the current agricultural transformation and plays an important role in optimizing the structure of urban and rural areas and narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and can bring into play the multi-functional value of agriculture. American agricultural tourism development experience is advanced and mature, after time and market test, it has certain reference significance. In combination with China's agricultural ecological characteristics and local culture, agricultural tourism clusters and regional characteristics should be more prominent, agricultural sightseeing experience should be enhanced, culture, leisure, entertainment and other characteristics should be shaped. It also establishes scientific industrial planning and releases positive industrial policies to attract capital inflow and effectively allocates resources through the market to open up a new path for agricultural tourism in China.
【作者单位】: 平顶山学院旅游与规划学院;


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