本文关键词:《改革》“十三五”系列政策评论的超前性、对应度——比照中部、东北地区的《建议》 出处:《改革》2016年10期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 全面深化改革 《改革》 品牌期刊 引导机制 百强 重庆社会科学 政府效能 全省国民经济 取缔非法收入 社会信用体系
[Abstract]:"13th Five-Year" period is a critical period to achieve decisive results in our comprehensive deepening reform. In order to promote the comprehensive deepening reform and ensure the implementation of the reform and implementation, as of October 2016, the central leading group of the comprehensive deepening reform held the 28 meeting, emphasizing the importance of supervision and implementation. "13th Five-Year" plan for the comprehensive deepening reform provides a guide to action. As in the periodical service initiated the central decision-making, won the China 100 newspapers and the National Social Science Foundation funded academic journals "reform", in December 2014 the country took the lead on a variety of media in the "13th Five-Year" sound. The behavior that launched a series of editorials from the index to predict the vision can be expected from the development of the spindle to take precautions from execution to the game, from the four aspects of the "comprehensive" rule to outline the reform and opening up 40th anniversary Yuan Wang, multi angle, large, exclusive, independent, unique presentation of "reform" as Chinese economics journals on major brands decision of the Party Central Committee and the State Council judged positive response in the academic and policy level. This period presents the landing of 10 policy reviews and suggestions interrelated in the central and northeastern regions. The details of other regions are detailed in this 2016 issue ninth 123~159 page. The central, northeast of the "13th Five-Year" planning "proposal" name and referred to as shown in the following table:
【作者单位】: 《改革》编辑部;
【正文快照】: 中部、东北地区 省份中部、东北地区“十三五”规划《建议》全称“十三五”规划 《建议》简称 山西《中共山西省委关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》山西《建议》安徽《中共安徽省委关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》安徽《建议》江西
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3 刘世锦;;在新的起点上推进全面深化改革[J];宁波经济(三江论坛);2014年04期
4 孟立联;;成都市全面深化改革基本框架[J];成都行政学院学报;2014年03期
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7 ;全面深化改革:经济学界笔谈党的“十八届三中全会”[J];经济学家;2013年12期
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9 高尚全;总结历史经验 全面深化改革[J];经济学家;1989年02期
10 李淳;关于全面深化改革的若干意见[J];山西财税;1997年06期
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