本文关键词:基于线索利用理论的零售商自有品牌感知质量实证研究 出处:《南京财经大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 自有品牌 线索利用理论 感知质量 品牌影响力 服务水平
【摘要】: 在全球化的时代背景下,随着零售业竞争的日益激烈,寻求新的利润增长点及培育核心竞争力都是现在各个零售企业所面临的共同问题。零售企业纷纷将目光对准零售业的“第二利润源”——自有品牌。自有品牌在西方经过几十年的发展,成为西方零售企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分,为企业带来供应链结构优化、差异化、成本降低等方面的优势,这些优势正是零售企业核心竞争力的来源。因此实施自有品牌战略可谓是这些问题的解决之道。然而,零售企业自有品牌在国内尚处于发展初期,零售商和消费者对此感知都不强烈,国内学者对此研究也较少,这就更增加了研究此类问题的必要性。 自有品牌商品感知质量是促成消费者购买的重要因素,是成功实施自有品牌战略的关键,所以,对自有品牌商品感知质量的研究应首当其冲。但是,哪些因素在影响自有品牌商品感知质量?各个影响因素的影响程度如何?对于这些在国内理论方面的研究很少,实证方面的更是稀缺。 笔者在阅读与零售企业自有品牌相关的国内外文献的基础上,并且引入了线索利用理论,采用实证的方法对零售企业自有品牌商品感知质量进行了研究。在介绍了以前学者对自有品牌的相关研究及其主要概念后,笔者提出了本次研究的相关假设。该研究具体内容为:对消费者个人因素、零售商品牌影响力、零售商服务水平、零售商购物环境、零售商促销行为、产品价格、产品技术含量、产品包装、产品生产商信息等这几个线索因素和自有品牌商品的感知质量间的关系进行了实证分析。首先,通过调研收集数据,然后使用统计分析软件及方法对数据进行处理,运用双因素方差分析检验和二元变量的相关分析验证各假设并得出结论,最后,进行回归分析,得出自有品牌产品感知质量与各影响因子的回归方程。 研究结果表明以前从未被视为重点研究对象的零售商品牌影响力和零售商服务水平线索,对自有品牌商品感知质量具有较大的影响,自有品牌产品的低价格对感知质量也具有较大的影响,说明,在现阶段,低价格仍然是零售商发展自有品牌的重要策略;并同其它影响因素的重要性大小对零售商成功的实施自有品牌战略有很好的指导作用;在现阶段零售商和消费者对自有品牌商品的认识都不深刻,所以在消费者还没有形成对任何自有品牌的忠诚及竞争对手也没有对此引起足够重视的时候,谁先进入这个领域谁就能掌握竞争的主动权,占得更大的市场份额。
[Abstract]:In the background of globalization , as retail competition becomes more and more intense , the search for new profit growth points and the cultivation of core competitiveness are the common problems faced by all kinds of retail enterprises . Retail enterprises are focusing their attention on the " second profit source " of retail enterprises . These advantages are the source of core competence of retail enterprises . However , the self - owned brand of retail enterprises is a solution to these problems . The perceived quality of self - owned brands is the key factor contributing to the purchase of consumers . It is the key to the successful implementation of its own brand strategy . Therefore , the research on perceived quality of self - owned brands should be the first . However , what factors influence the perceived quality of self - owned brands ? How does each influence factor affect the perceived quality of self - owned brands ? On the basis of reading the domestic and foreign literatures related to the self - owned brands of retail enterprises , and introducing the clue utilization theory , the paper studies the relationship between the perceived quality of the self - owned brands of the retail enterprises by using the empirical method . The research results show that the retailer brand influence and the retailer ' s service level clue , which have never been regarded as the focus research object , have great influence on the perceived quality of the self - owned brand products , and the low price of the self - owned brand product has a great influence on the perceived quality . At the present stage , the low price is still the important strategy for the retailer to develop its own brand ;
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