本文关键词: 移动通信 品牌资产模型 影响机理模型 结构方程模型 出处:《北京邮电大学》2011年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:近年来,我国移动通信行业得到了飞速发展,目前已拥有数亿的庞大客户群,成为全球移动通信客户数最多的国家。经历了数次电信改革大潮的洗礼,在较短的时间内,国内移动通信市场经历了从垄断到竞争的更迭变换,竞争模式也从价格竞争、成本竞争、服务竞争进入到了品牌竞争的新阶段。通信市场中存在的客户品牌偏好行为、品牌溢价及产品业务同质化压力等现象,使得塑造有内涵和能引起客户共鸣的品牌成为各大移动通信运营商关注的焦点。 虽然目前国内各大移动通信运营商纷纷将品牌建设提升到了战略高度,采用前所未有的重视度和投入来进行品牌运营并取得初步成效,但由于移动通信领域树立品牌意识时间还较短,移动通信的品牌之路还较漫长,远未达到理想的状态。在品牌建设和管理方面还存在一些亟待重视和解决的问题。例如在移动通信运营商品牌建设过程中,目前还缺乏有效的品牌资产评估方法,大多照搬市场咨询公司的相关模型,评估的重点集中在品牌忠诚度而不是品牌资产。在品牌塑造过程中,过于依赖广告投放,缺乏系统的品牌规划和整合的传播沟通。同时,价格战仍是屡见不鲜。某些促销活动,虽然带来了市场占有率的和客户数量的临时增长,但对于品牌资产却是带来了长期的损害。因此,如何建立和提升品牌资产,在现在和将来的移动通信市场竞争中成为强者,是各移动通信运营商急需解决的问题。 针对移动通信品牌建设中的现实问题,本文在国内外品牌资产相关研究成果基础上,结合移动通信行业实际特点,采用规范研究与实证研究,定性与定量研究相结合的方式,系统研究了移动通信品牌资产的内涵、表现形式、评估及影响机理等重点问题。运用认知心理学、社会心理学、消费行为学等方法整合现在品牌资产的研究,深刻分析移动通信客户信息处理过程,探寻品牌资产形成的心理根源,建立了基于客户的移动通信品牌资产评估概念模型;运用品牌生命周期理论、品牌生态学理论、品牌价值链等理论,通过分析移动通信服务营销组合特点,建立了移动通信品牌资产影响机理概念模型。同时,运用结构方程模型方法,以移动通信多品牌现实客户抽样调查实证数据为基础,对上述概念模型进行了多重检验与分析。依据所构建的基于客户的移动通信品牌资产评估模型及影响机理模型,探讨了所建立的评估及影响机理模型在移动通信品牌资产管理实践中的应用。通过研究,本文得出以下主要结论: 1、移动通信品牌资产由处于不同层级的公司能力联想、品牌知名度、品牌联想、品质认知、品牌忠诚度五个维度构成,其中公司能力联想处于第一层级;品牌知名度、品牌联想、品质认知处于第二层级;品牌忠诚度处于第三层级,是离品牌资产更近的维度。 2、服务营销策略组合分别对移动通信品牌资产不同维度产生直接影响,并通过品牌资产维度,对品牌资产产生间接影响。产品对公司能力联想产生直接正向影响;价格对品牌知名度、品牌联想、品质认知产生直接正向影响;分销对品牌知名度产生直接正向影响;广告对公司能力联想、品牌知名度产生直接正向影响;人员对公司能力联想产生直接正向影响;有形展示对公司能力联想、品质认知产生直接正向影响;过程对品牌联想产生直接正向影响。 3、运用评估模型对于中国移动、中国联通客户品牌静态评估结果显示:中国移动全球通、神州行、动感地带在品牌资产五个维度上的得分均高于中国联通如意通,呈显著差异;中国移动内部各品牌在品牌资产维度上的得分存在部分差异。评估模型也提示了移动通信运营商品牌建设中值得关注的问题:如品牌资产建设需要遵循一定的步骤;公司能力联想是基于客户的移动通信品牌资产的重要纬度,公司能够起到很重要的“背书”角色;把品质作为移动通信品牌资产的核心要素;打造品牌社区强化移动通信品牌忠诚度;重视建立移动通信品牌知名度的科学规划等。 4、依据影响机理模型,移动通信运营商在品牌资产管理实践中,应从服务营销组合整体层面规划品牌营销,不仅要正确运用价格策略,更要重视非价格策略,如产品、分销、广告、人员、有形展示、过程策略的综合运用。 本文对于移动通信品牌资产的概念、构成维度、评估模型和影响机理模型的系统化探索,可作为品牌资产相关研究的理论铺垫;本研究借鉴品牌资产研究前沿理论,结合国内移动通信品牌建设实践,构建的基于客户的品牌资产评估模型及影响机理模型,可以为移动通信运营商建立、维护和提升品牌资产提供系统化的解决方案,有利于运营商从整体上把握品牌资产建设重点,整合协调、分配企业营销资源,提高资源配置效率和品牌资产建设的有效性。同时,也可以增强运营商营销策略组合对于品牌资产的促进作用,减少或避免损害品牌资产的短期行为。研究成果对于移动通信运营商在激烈的市场竞争中,把握主动,创造差异化的品牌竞争优势,促进移动通信行业整体发展,相信也能起到积极的促进作用。
[Abstract]:In recent years , China ' s mobile communication industry has been developing rapidly , now has hundreds of millions of huge customer groups , has become the largest number of countries in global mobile communication . In the short time , domestic mobile communication market has experienced a new stage of brand competition from monopoly to competition . In the short time , domestic mobile communication market has entered the new stage of brand competition . In the process of brand building and management , there are still some problems to be paid attention to and solved . For example , in the process of brand building , there are still some problems to be paid attention to and solved in brand building and management . Based on the research results of mobile communication brand , this paper studies the connotation , form , evaluation and influence mechanism of mobile communication brand assets based on the research results of mobile communication brand . 1 . The mobile communication brand assets consist of five dimensions of company capability association , brand awareness , brand association , quality perception and brand loyalty at different levels , among which the company competence association is at the first level ; brand awareness , brand association and quality awareness are at the second level ; brand loyalty is in the third level , which is a dimension closer to the brand asset . 2 . The combination of service marketing strategies has a direct impact on the different dimensions of mobile communication brand assets , and indirectly influences brand assets through brand asset dimensions . The product has a direct positive impact on brand awareness , brand association and quality cognition ; the distribution has a direct positive impact on brand awareness , brand awareness and brand awareness ; the company has a direct positive impact on the company ' s ability association and brand awareness ; the physical display has a direct positive impact on the company ' s ability association and quality cognition ; and the process has a direct positive impact on brand association . 3 . Using the evaluation model for China Mobile , China Unicom ' s customer brand static assessment results show that the scores of China Mobile World , Shenzhouxing and dynamic zones in the five dimensions of brand assets are higher than that of China Unicom . The evaluation model also prompts the problems that the brand construction of mobile communication operators is worth paying attention : if the brand asset construction needs to follow certain steps , the company can play a very important " endorsement " role ; build the brand community to strengthen the brand loyalty of mobile communication brand ; attach importance to the scientific planning of establishing brand awareness of mobile communication brand . 4 . According to the influencing mechanism model , the mobile communication operator should plan the brand marketing from the overall level of the service marketing combination , not only to use the price strategy correctly , but also to pay more attention to the non - price strategy , such as product , distribution , advertisement , personnel , physical display and process strategy . This paper makes a systematic exploration of the concept , composition dimension , evaluation model and influencing mechanism model of mobile communication brand assets , which can be used as the theoretical basis for brand asset - related research .
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