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  本文选题:福建 切入点:品牌农业 出处:《中国农业科学院》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 品牌战略是在探索我国现代农业发展和推进农业产业化的各种战略中最引人注目的举措之一。它是提高我国农业竞争力,开拓国内外农产品市场,推动我国高效、优质农业全面发展的必然选择。随着我国加入WTO,国外许多品牌农产品纷纷进入我国参与市场竞争,国内农业发展面临越来越严峻的挑战。因此,打造区域特色的农业强势品牌,积极发展品牌农业,提升农产品市场竞争力,推动农业和农村经济快速发展,已经成为我国农业和新农村建设进程中不可回避的重要课题。 福建省是农业小省,近年来福建省不断加大农业发展力度,积极打造农业品牌,以品牌促规模,以品牌拓市场,已经产生了一批具有区域优势、在全国具有一定影响力的品牌农产品,形成了以畜禽、笋竹、水产、蔬菜、水果、食用菌、茶叶、花卉和烤烟为主的品牌农业。但与国外发达国家或者国内经济发展较快的省份相比,还存在很大的差距与不足。为此,本文根据区域发展理论,结合当前国家发展现代农业、建设社会主义新农村的战略目标,以福建省品牌农业发展现状分析为切入点,对福建品牌农业发展策略展开了探讨。 本文重点阐述了品牌农业的基本内容,全面归纳总结出新时期福建品牌农业发展取得的主要成效,以及福建品牌农业发展中存在的主要问题,并借助SWOT分析法,对当前福建品牌农业发展的基本态势进行分析。在借鉴和分析国外品牌农业发展经验的基础上,本文明确提出了当前加快福建品牌农业全面发展的基本原则、总体要求、总体目标和主要对策,强调福建品牌农业发展必须走协调化、自主化、规模化、现代化、多元化品牌之路。本文研究对促进福建省农业与农村经济快速发展,实现由传统农业向品牌农业的转变,均具有重要现实意义。
[Abstract]:Brand strategy is one of the most striking measures in exploring the development of modern agriculture and promoting agricultural industrialization in China. It is to improve the competitiveness of our agriculture, to open up the domestic and foreign agricultural products market, and to promote the efficiency of our country. With China's entry into the WTO, many foreign brands of agricultural products have entered the market competition in China, and domestic agricultural development is facing more and more severe challenges. Therefore, to create a strong agricultural brand with regional characteristics, To develop brand agriculture actively, to promote the market competitiveness of agricultural products and to promote the rapid development of agriculture and rural economy has become an unavoidable important subject in the process of agriculture and new rural construction in China. Fujian Province is a small agricultural province. In recent years, Fujian Province has been increasing the intensity of agricultural development, actively building agricultural brand, promoting scale by brand and expanding market by brand, which has produced a number of regional advantages. In the whole country has certain influence brand agricultural products, has formed with the animal, the bamboo shoot, the aquatic product, the vegetable, the fruit, the edible fungus, the tea, Brand agriculture of flowers and flue-cured tobacco. But compared with foreign developed countries or provinces with rapid economic development, there is still a big gap and deficiency. Therefore, according to the theory of regional development, this paper combines the current national development of modern agriculture, Based on the analysis of the current situation of brand agriculture in Fujian Province, the strategy of developing brand agriculture in Fujian is discussed. This paper focuses on the basic contents of brand agriculture, summarizes the main achievements in the development of brand agriculture in Fujian in the new period, and the main problems existing in the development of brand agriculture in Fujian, and makes use of SWOT analysis method. This paper analyzes the basic situation of the development of brand agriculture in Fujian at present. On the basis of reference and analysis of the experience of the development of brand agriculture in foreign countries, this paper clearly puts forward the basic principles and general requirements for speeding up the overall development of brand agriculture in Fujian at present. The overall goal and the main countermeasures are emphasized that the development of Fujian brand agriculture must take the road of coordination, autonomy, scale, modernization and diversification. This study will promote the rapid development of Fujian's agriculture and rural economy. It is of great practical significance to realize the transformation from traditional agriculture to brand agriculture.


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