本文选题:婺菜 切入点:品牌发展 出处:《华东师范大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 如今,人们的餐饮需求已从生理需求型、温饱型向营养健康型、休闲美味型转变,进入品牌消费时代,这为婺菜品牌发展迎来了发展机遇,但是另一方面,餐饮品牌竞争异常激烈,各地菜系品牌风起云涌。婺菜历史久远,但品牌发展相对滞后。着眼于未来城市的可持续发展,婺菜品牌塑造势在必行。 论文在品牌理论指导下,采用文献研究、市场调查和比较研究等方法,对婺菜品牌发展进行全方位综合研究。论文首先通过相关概念界定,阐述婺菜品牌的内涵与外延,继而梳理分析婺菜品牌发展历程、特点、影响以及构成要素。其次通过市场调查研究,发现婺菜在自然物产、历史文化和专业人才等方面品牌塑造优势明显,但也存在着传播自发性、定位模糊性、产品不稳定性等品牌发展劣势,而影响婺菜品牌发展的内部因素主要有菜点、服务、环境、企业文化、企业形象和企业规模等,外部因素是政府的政策、行业管理、市场资源等。最后论文针对婺菜品牌发展中存在的问题及根源,提出提升婺菜品牌发展的五大策略:创新策略、文化策略、名牌策略、营销策略和人才策略,其重点是提高婺菜品质和打造企业品牌。而提高婺菜品质则需创新特色菜品、挖掘菜品文化内涵,实施开发与运用地方特色原料、弘扬烹饪传统技艺;此外,打造企业品牌餐饮企业标准化管理、连锁集团化经营,构建政府、企业、行业“三位一体”的全员营销模式,提高其在餐饮市场的需求份额。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, people's catering demand has changed from physiological demand type, food and clothing type to nutrition healthy type, leisure delicious type, enter brand consumption era, this has ushered in the development opportunity for Wu-dish brand, but on the other hand, The competition of food and beverage brands is extremely fierce, and the local cuisine brands are surging. Wucai has a long history, but the brand development is relatively lagging behind. With a view to the sustainable development of the city in the future, it is imperative to build the Wucai brand. Under the guidance of brand theory, this paper uses the methods of literature research, market investigation and comparative study to study the development of Wucai brand comprehensively. Firstly, through the definition of relevant concepts, this paper expounds the connotation and extension of Wucai brand. Secondly, through market investigation and research, it is found that Wucai has obvious advantages in brand building in natural products, history and culture, and professional talents, etc. However, there are also weaknesses in brand development such as spontaneity of communication, fuzziness of positioning and instability of products. The internal factors that affect the development of Wucai brand include order, service, environment, corporate culture, corporate image and scale, etc. The external factors are government policy, industry management, market resources and so on. Finally, aiming at the problems and root causes in the development of Wucai brand, the paper puts forward five strategies to promote the development of Wucai brand: innovation strategy, cultural strategy, famous brand strategy, etc. The emphasis of marketing strategy and talent strategy is to improve the quality of local dishes and to build the brand of enterprises, while to improve the quality of Wucai dishes, it is necessary to innovate the characteristic dishes, excavate the cultural connotation of dishes, develop and use the local characteristic raw materials, and carry forward the traditional culinary techniques. In addition, we should build a standardized management of brand catering enterprises, chain group management, construct a "trinity" marketing model of government, enterprise and industry, and increase its demand share in the catering market.
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