本文选题:知识产权 切入点:品牌 出处:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The core of all brands in the world is to protect intellectual property, brand growth is a long process, brand from scratch, from where to draw nutrients? Where do you get motivation? From where? In the process of brand establishment, it is mainly the improvement and support of social, economic, legal and other systems to create a level playing field for the birth and growth of brand. In this report, the translator takes the translation of brand name as the starting point. Taking the documentary Mystery of Brand as the corpus, this paper carries out an interpretation practice, and takes the transmission performance in the process of practice as an example. This paper makes an enumeration and analysis of the process and problems of Chinese to English consecutive interpretation and gives a truthful picture of the whole process of interpretation in words. In view of the influence of the program in the current academic and cultural fields, The factors to be taken into account by the translator in the process of translation should be specific and comprehensive, the scope of reference is wide, and translation is difficult. This practical report will be based on the author's practical experience in translation. The translation skills of such programs are elaborated and systematically summarized to provide practical reference for the translation compilation of similar subjects. The main contents are as follows: the first part is an introduction. The introduction mainly introduces the production process of the documentary "Mystery of Brand" and its historical significance to Chinese brand building. The second part is the text. It is composed of three parts: the first chapter mainly introduces the task description. In this chapter, we first introduce the background of interpretation practice and the production process of the Mystery of Brand, and show the reason why we choose the first episode of "Invalescent imprint" for translation practice. The second chapter mainly discusses the process description, analyzes the role of the pre-translation preparation stage in the interpretation process and notes, memory, listening. The influence of grammar and other factors on this interpretation is introduced. The process of interpretation and the monitoring of interpretation quality are introduced. Chapter three mainly discusses the case study, basic interpretation skills and translation. The application of free translation and the use of note-taking symbols. Finally, this chapter discusses the problems of error analysis and emergency response strategies. The last part is an overview, which summarizes the previous discussion and points out the main purpose of this paper. It is to improve the quality of translation. Through the analysis and collation of the whole process of interpretation, the author sums up the lessons worth learning and provides valuable experience for the future work related to interpretation.
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