本文选题:产业链 切入点:中国OEM企业 出处:《厦门大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 改革开放三十年来,中国借助比较优势不断地融入全球产业链和生产网络中,出口能力大幅上升,已成为世界第三大贸易国与第三大经济体。但其中90%的产品都不是中国品牌,而是为别人贴牌,收取的是微薄的加工费。据统计,中国虽有170多类商品产量居世界第一,但出口企业中拥有自主品牌的只有20%,自主品牌出口额只占出口额的1%。仅仅依赖外国品牌输出的传统OEM贴牌生产,并不能从根本上提高中国企业的国际竞争力,品牌意识的落后导致中国企业品牌自主权的缺失。“有品无牌”的尴尬境地使中国很多企业只能充当外国品牌的“打工仔”的角色。而面对“内忧外患”的全球经济危机,更使OEM商业模式的内在缺陷突显,中国OEM企业寻求可持续发展的出路迫在眉睫。 本文基于产业链全球化及全球经济危机的大背景下,研究中国OEM企业自主品牌的发展道路。以中国OEM企业自主品牌战略为研究对象,在肯定OEM商业模式对中国经济发展贡献的同时揭示其内在缺陷。利用产业价值链动态发展的经济学理论探寻中国OEM企业自主品牌的发展路径,阐述了OEM企业自主品牌的基础理论和形成机制,指出并分析了中国OEM企业创建自主品牌的发展现状及存在问题,并立足于中国国情,按照不同企业的发展实力构建了中国OEM企业自主品牌发展战略和创建模式,最后从宏微观层面有针对性地提出了中国OEM企业实施自主品牌战略具体的政策建议。
[Abstract]:In the past 30 years of reform and opening up, China has continuously integrated into the global industrial chain and production network with the help of its comparative advantage, and its export capacity has increased dramatically, and it has become the third largest trading country and the third largest economy in the world. But 90% of the products are not Chinese brands. Instead, they put up licences for others and charge a meagre fee for processing. According to statistics, China ranks first in output of more than 170 kinds of commodities in the world. However, only 20 of the export enterprises have their own brands, and the export volume of independent brands only accounts for 1 percent of the export volume. Relying solely on the traditional OEM label production exported by foreign brands cannot fundamentally improve the international competitiveness of Chinese enterprises. The backwardness of brand consciousness leads to the lack of brand autonomy of Chinese enterprises. The embarrassing situation of "having goods without a licence" makes many Chinese enterprises only act as "wage earners" of foreign brands, and face the global economic crisis of "internal and external troubles." Moreover, the inherent defects of OEM business model are highlighted, and it is urgent for Chinese OEM enterprises to seek the way out for sustainable development. Based on the background of the globalization of industrial chain and the global economic crisis, this paper studies the development of the independent brand of Chinese OEM enterprises, and takes the independent brand strategy of Chinese OEM enterprises as the research object. While affirming the contribution of OEM business model to China's economic development, it reveals its inherent defects. Using the economic theory of dynamic development of industrial value chain, it explores the development path of Chinese OEM enterprises' independent brand. This paper expounds the basic theory and forming mechanism of the independent brand of OEM enterprises, points out and analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the establishment of independent brands in Chinese OEM enterprises, and bases itself on the national conditions of China. According to the development strength of different enterprises, this paper constructs the development strategy and creation mode of independent brand of Chinese OEM enterprises, and finally puts forward specific policy recommendations on implementing the independent brand strategy of Chinese OEM enterprises from the macro and micro level.
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