Abstract trendofeconomicandbmd word Inmecurrent globalization,me ¨brand’’isIlot atennof is anwalks busilless龇lymore,it by only quoted notall
of theeducationfieldis also MeanⅥ,hile, life, exception. acommon intense
"Brand―school’.becomes eXpression.111ecompetition
hasmadethatwhohaSa ismoreinViIlcible访t11efield. brand,who strong ofthedemandsoftheeducation market,t11e
Therefore,consider s协ong the andtheacute coming自ompublickinde唱arten competition
pressure ofme
betweencountless eaCh volunta可kinde玛artens, Volunta巧 hastoestablishtheirownbraJldsto theirstatus.
kinde唱arten strengthen thecourseofme of During brand-building winbeacore tlle anamedteacher
teaCherbecomes keyelement, t11e an锄ed of factorof kinde玛anen.Goodmanagement
competitive ofthe of is
teachersisan factor l indergarten,it impon乏mt deVelopment
the tobuildtIlebrandofme key the ofme and
s订engmenmanagement an
t0raiset11e ofmeteachershavebecome ability comprehensiVe
inevitable fortlle oftllecurrent requirementbrand―building V01wl切呵
kindergaurten. This offour first contains mesisconsistS p疵s.ne pan baCkground and
oft11e andits reView of problem sigllificance,lite咖reanalysis
related tlleoreticalbasisauldthe concepts,,the
second me betweenthe of relationship management partanalyzes andthe third br觚d―building.Thep抓
volu哪l inderg眦ens’teaChers n the current outmemain of of
points problemmanagementVolunta巧 illo-ur me the coullt叮and reasons、Ⅳhy
kmde唱叭ens’teachers explains ofthe of islow.
Thefourm t11emethodsof a partproposes managingVolunta巧 basedonthe of teachers,which
kinde玛arten’s conceptbra】fld-building. of
Key kinderjgarten; school; words:VoluntaIy brand―building thete锄oftheteachers managing IIl 基于品牌建设的民办幼儿园教师管理研究 湖南师范大学学位论文原创