本文选题:职业教育 + 高职院校 ; 参考:《江苏开放大学学报》2016年03期
[Abstract]:Brand is not only the focus of modern economic and social competition, but also the valuable wealth of higher vocational colleges. It is necessary to construct a scientific and mature evaluation system to objectively evaluate the brand construction of higher vocational colleges. Based on the Aaker conceptual model (brand awareness, recognition, reputation, loyalty, association), this paper establishes a brand evaluation system in higher vocational colleges, makes corresponding questionnaires, and uses SPASS20.00 to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaires. The feasibility of the hypothetical model is verified by the structural equation. The results show that: the current higher vocational colleges in the talent training model, specialty above the provincial level and other brand awareness factors, training place, campus environment and other brand recognition factors, employment rate and other brand reputation factors, the deep integration of the school and enterprise. The influence of the factors of brand association such as the number of affiliated institutions is not prominent, which indicates the direction of brand construction in the later period of higher vocational colleges, and also lays a data foundation for the establishment of evaluation index system of higher vocational brands.
【作者单位】: 苏州工业职业技术学院经贸管理系;
【基金】:江苏省教育科学“十二五”规划重点课题“基于胜任力模型的高职专任教师继续教育体系研究”(B-b/2015/03/035) 苏州工业职业技术学院重点课题“基于Aaker模型的转型期高职院校品牌评价实证研究”(2013A02)
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