发布时间:2018-06-16 11:36
本文选题:生态位 + 中小品牌 ; 参考:《山东大学》2010年博士论文
【摘要】: 20世纪90年代以来,中小企业迅速成长为我国经济发展中的主要力量,尤其在我国长江三角洲地区,中小企业如雨后春笋般迅速成长,并造就了大量成功的民营企业家。与中小企业的茁壮成长相比,中小企业品牌发展的现状却相对落后,中小企业品牌没有取得应有的竞争优势,其创作的经济总量、总价值与世界市场占有率不对称:中小企业拥有全国知名品牌比例远低于市场覆盖率;中小企业普遍对品牌建设重视不够,多采用贴牌和无牌生产模式;中小企业普遍存在品牌弱势,出口商品价格低廉。这一现状使得中小品牌业主开始思考品牌的价值与作用,品牌建设开始受到关注。 同时,从我国现有的研究状况来看,对中小品牌的研究远远滞后于当前中小企业的成长。一方面,从理论基础来看,众多以民营企业为代表的中小品牌发展找不到合适的品牌成长模式或战略,往往都是从实战中自我摸索,并形成适合本企业的中小品牌成长模式或方法。虽然从实践的层面上看,中小品牌企业自我探索的成长模式有较强的经验指导能力,但其普及范围必然狭小,适应性较弱,只适合某一个体企业或某一行业内相似企业之间的学习与借鉴。因此,实践的快速成长需要扎实的理论基础来支撑。另一方面,从中小品牌成长模式的现状分析,我国中小品牌的成长呈现出短命、快速的特点,一些中小品牌在瞬间能够迅速成名,但也能在瞬间急速消逝,这种现象如何解释?由此,中小品牌的持续成长成为当前市场经济发展最需要思考的问题之一。从我国对中小品牌成长模式的现有研究来看,内容是微乎其微,甚至是一片空白,作者以“品牌成长模式”为主题检索相关学术期刊,获得的结果为零。 因此,基于实践需要和理论支撑的平衡考虑,本研究将借鉴生态学中的生态位理论,研究中小品牌企业及其品牌产品在品牌生态系统中如何惯性成长以及如何突破性成长,从而在品牌生态系统中形成中小品牌稳定的位置和空间,并从战略视角基于生态位理论提炼出中小品牌成长模式。论文对中小品牌的成长时期界定为品牌生命周期的成长阶段,围绕品牌成长阶段进行中小品牌的相关研究。在这个成长阶段中,中小品牌或者依据传统的成长路径逐步扩大其品牌生态位,最终成长为其品牌生态系统中的大品牌;或者适当地改变路径,跻身到其它品牌生态系统中,成为核心主导品牌;或者突破传统生态系统,自我创建一个成长的品牌生态系统。论文紧紧围绕三个核心问题展开:(1)中小企业品牌生态位是什么?其包含哪些内容、维度、功能等?(2)在品牌生态系统中,哪些因素会驱动并影响中小品牌成长模式的形成?(3)关键因素对中小品牌成长模式的作用机理如何?(4)由此而形成的基于生态位理论的中小品牌成长模式有哪些?这些模式如何促进中小品牌在品牌生态系统中成长壮大?概况而言,本文的研究目的就是解决中小企业品牌生态位“是什么”、中小品牌成长模式“为什么”形成以及成长模式“怎么样”的问题。 为解决第一个“中小企业品牌生态位是什么”的问题,本文第三章对中小企业品牌生态位理论作出界定,并对其进行分类,从品牌生态位原理思考对中小品牌成长模式的启示,同时,引入消费者认知概念进入中小企业品牌生态位的界定,并以某一中小品牌作为案例验证消费者认知概念在中小企业品牌生态位理论中的有效性和可行性。 本文第四章解决所提出的第二个问题,即中小品牌成长模式在品牌生态系统中的成长驱动和影响因素。文章首先罗列并分析可能影响中小品牌成长模式的相关因素,再通过主成份分析,提炼出影响中小品牌成长模式的主因子,由此识别出消费者品牌价值需求、品牌生态系统中的品牌合作、中小品牌创新能力、中小品牌企业家作用、中小品牌栖息地政府作用等5个主因子。 根据第四章研究结果,本文第五章内容即解决所提出的第三个问题“关键因子对中小品牌成长模式的作用机理如何?”,该章以分析关键因子的作用机理为研究对象,构建作用机理的概念模型并提出相应的研究假设,通过研究关键变量对中小品牌成长模式的作用,在阐述主因子的重要性的同时论证了生态位思想对中小品牌成长模式的影响和作用。同时,本章加入实证定量分析方法,以济南中小企业品牌为调查对象,采用SPSS和AMOS7.0等统计软件工具,验证数据对概念模型中研究假设的支持或反对,从而剖析中小品牌是如何成长的,以及在成长模式过程中的变量关系与作用。 第六章是为了解决所提出的第四个问题,即基于生态位理论的中小品牌成长模式有哪些?这些模式如何促进中小品牌在品牌生态系统中成长壮大?借鉴生态位理论的相关思想,提出中小品牌成长的6种成长模式:中小品牌自然成长模式、中小品牌集群成长模式、中小品牌协同进化成长模式、中小品牌生态社区成长模式、中小品牌寄生成长模式、中小品牌生态位构建成长模式,并就各种模式分别进行模式形成、模式特点、模式成长策略阐述,并建立评价模型树。以高科技行业中小品牌、制造业中小品牌、建筑业中小品牌和旅游业中小品牌4个行业为典型,请20位专家与相关人员组成的评价小组对4个行业分别采取6种成长模式进行模糊评价,最后进行统计排列,得出不同行业对应的成长模式的合适度。 第七章是研究结论与展望。对本研究过程的相关结论进行汇总,并就未来中小品牌成长进行研究展望。 论文在研究方法上采用了隐喻研究方法、文献研究与规范研究方法、实证定量研究方法,从定性研究论述和定量数据验证等方面阐述中小品牌成长模式的相关内容。通过上述理论研究与实证检验,本文得到以下研究结论: 第一,中小企业品牌生态位属于品牌生态位中的一类,包括中小个体企业品牌生态位、中小种群品牌生态位、中小群落品牌生态位三个层面,本研究以前两个层面为研究对象。从根本上说,中小企业品牌生态位研究离不开市场的接受和认可,“消费者认知”概念由此引入中小企业品牌生态位的界定,从消费者认知程度和质量等方面界定了中小企业品牌生态位。 第二,从品牌生态系统中看,影响中小品牌成长模式的主因子包括消费者品牌价值需求、品牌生态系统中的品牌合作、中小品牌创新能力、中小品牌企业家作用、中小品牌栖息地政府作用等5个主因子,这5大主因子分别从品牌价值生态位、品牌市场生态位、品牌技术生态位、品牌资源生态位等生态位维度对中小品牌成长模式发挥作用。 第三,5大主因子中消费者品牌价值需求因子和中小品牌栖息地政府作用因子是中小品牌成长模式的起点解释变量:从市场行为来看,消费者品牌价值需求因子是中小品牌企业形成成长模式的根本因子,没有消费者的品牌价值需求,就不可能促使中小品牌在市场上形成相应的品牌价值生态位,中小品牌就没有存在的意义;从主观能动性来看,企业家作用是中小品牌成长模式形成的软要素,当前我国大多数中小品牌源自于民营企业,在民营企业中企业家意志和作用非常明显,企业家的品牌意识能够左右整个中小企业的品牌成长;从我国中小品牌成长的现状来看,中小品牌栖息地政府对中小品牌成长模式有着非常大的作用,政府往往通过相应的措施直接促成区域内某些中小品牌集聚,从宏观到微观区域的例子如长江三角洲区域的中小品牌集聚、渤海湾新型中小品牌集聚、城市高新区的中小高科技品牌集聚、城市服装批发区的中小服装品牌集聚、城市家居行业的中小品牌集聚等等,无不说明了中小品牌栖息地政府的作用。品牌合作与中小品牌创新能力分布是作用机理概念模型中的中介变量,消费者品牌价值需求和中小品牌栖息地政府作用都需要通过这两个变量对成长模式产生影响。中小品牌企业家作用是消费者品牌价值需求对中小品牌成长模式的调节变量,改变量作用于消费者品牌价值需求对中小品牌成长模式的影响方向和强度,当中小品牌企业家发挥积极作用时,会促进消费者品牌价值需求对中小品牌成长模式的影响,反之亦然。 第四,根据中小品牌生态位理论以及作用机理概念模型的验证推导出中小品牌在品牌生态系统中成长的6种模式:中小品牌自然成长模式、中小品牌集群成长模式、中小品牌协同进化成长模式、中小品牌生态社区成长模式、中小品牌寄生成长模式、中小品牌生态位构建成长模式。通过模糊层次评价及各分,得出,适合高科技行业中小品牌的前3种成长模式分别是自然成长模式、寄生成长模式、集群成长模式;适合制造业中小品牌的前3种成长模式分别是集群成长模式、协同进化成长模式、中小品牌生态位构建成长模式;适合建筑业中小品牌的前3种成长模式分别是协同进化成长模式、中小品牌生态位构建成长模式、自然成长模式;适合旅游业中小品牌的前3种成长模式分别是生态社区成长模式、中小品牌生态位构建成长模式、协同进化成长模式。 本研究的创新点主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)从生态位理论思考中小品牌企业成长,从自然视角解释论证中小品牌企业成长的自然现状现象,为中小品牌持续成长给予理论支持,为中小品牌企业家实施品牌战略道路给予信心和指导。(2)引入消费者认知概念界定中小企业品牌生态位概念。(3)提炼出影响中小品牌成长模式的5大主因素,并建立相应的作用机理概念模型。(4)基于品牌生态位概念提出6种中小品牌成长模式,并就4类典型行业进行成长模式选择的评价和排序,得出相应结论。
[Abstract]:Since 1990s, the rapid growth of small and medium-sized enterprises has been the main force in the economic development of our country. Especially in the Yangtze River Delta region, small and medium-sized enterprises have sprung up rapidly and brought up a large number of successful private entrepreneurs. Compared with the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, the status of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises is relatively backward. The small enterprise brand has not obtained the competitive advantage, the total value of its creation, the total value and the market share of the world market is asymmetrical: the proportion of the small and medium enterprises with the well-known brand is far below the market coverage; the small and medium enterprises generally pay little attention to the brand construction, and more use the OEM and unlicensed production mode; the small and medium enterprises are common Brand weakness and low export prices make the small and medium-sized brand owners begin to think about the value and role of the brand, and brand building is attracting attention.
At the same time, from the current research situation in China, the research on small and medium brands is far behind the growth of the current medium and small enterprises. On the one hand, from the theoretical basis, many small and medium brand development, represented by private enterprises, can not find the appropriate brand growth mode or strategy. The medium and small brand growth mode or method. Although from the practical level, the growth mode of self exploration of small and medium brand enterprises has strong experience guiding ability, but its popularization is narrow and weak in adaptability. It is suitable for the learning and learning of similar enterprises in a certain individual enterprise or in a certain industry. Therefore, the practice is fast. Growth needs a solid theoretical basis to support. On the other hand, from the analysis of the status quo of the growth model of small and medium brands, the growth of small and medium brands in China presents short life, fast characteristics, and some small and medium-sized brands can quickly become famous in the instant, but they can also disappear quickly in the instant. It is one of the most important problems to consider for the development of the current market economy. From the current research on the growth model of small and medium brands in China, the content is very small and even a blank. The author retrieves the related academic periodicals on the theme of "brand growth model", and the results are zero.
Therefore, based on the balance of practical needs and theoretical support, this study will draw on the ecological niche theory in ecology to study how the medium and small brand enterprises and their brand products develop in the brand ecosystem and how to break through, thus forming the stable position and space of small and medium brands in the brand ecosystem, and from the war. A brief view is based on the niche theory to extract the medium and small brand growth model. The paper defines the growth period of the medium and small brands as the growth stage of the brand life cycle, and carries out the related research on the medium and small brands around the stage of brand growth. In this growing stage, small and medium brands or the traditional growth path gradually expand their brand ecology. It will eventually grow into a big brand in its brand ecosystem, or change the path appropriately to become the core leading brand in the other brand ecosystem, or break through the traditional ecosystem and create a growing brand ecosystem. The thesis is closely related to three core issues: (1) the brand ecology of small and medium-sized enterprises What is the position? What content, dimension, function, etc.? (2) in the brand ecosystem, which factors will drive and influence the formation of the medium and small brand growth mode? (3) what is the mechanism of the key factors on the medium and small brand growth mode? (4) what are the models based on niche theory based on the niche theory? How to promote the growth and growth of small and medium brands in the brand ecosystem? For a general survey, the purpose of this study is to solve the "what" niche of small and medium-sized enterprises' brand niche, the formation of "why" and "how" in the growth model of the medium and small brand growth model.
In order to solve the problem of the first "niche of small and medium enterprise brand", the third chapter defines the niche theory of small and medium-sized enterprises, and classifies them. From the principle of brand niche, we think about the enlightenment to the growth model of small and medium brands, and introduce the definition of consumer cognition into the definition of brand niche of small and medium-sized enterprises. A case of a small and medium-sized brand is used to verify the validity and feasibility of consumer cognition in the brand niche theory of SMEs.
The fourth chapter of this paper solves the second problems of the growth model of the medium and small brand growth model in the brand ecosystem. Firstly, the article lists and analyzes the related factors that may affect the growth mode of the medium and small brands, and then extracts the main factors of the growth model of the medium and small brands through the principal component analysis, and thus recognises the main factors of the growth model of the medium and small brands. 5 main factors, such as brand value demand of consumers, brand cooperation in brand ecosystem, innovation ability of small and medium brand, role of small and medium brand entrepreneurs, and government role of small and medium brand habitat.
According to the results of the fourth chapter, the fifth chapter of this article is to solve the third questions "how the key factors play a role in the medium and small brand growth model". This chapter takes the role mechanism of the key factors as the research object, constructs the conceptual model of the mechanism of action and puts forward the corresponding research hypothesis, through the study of the key variables. On the role of the medium and small brand growth model, the importance of the main factor is expounded and the influence and function of niche idea on the medium and small brand growth model are demonstrated. At the same time, this chapter joins the empirical quantitative analysis method, taking the small and medium enterprises in Ji'nan as the survey object, using the statistical software tools such as SPSS and AMOS7.0 to verify the data to the conceptual model. The support or objection of the hypothesis is analyzed to analyze how the small and medium sized brands grow and the variable relationship and effect in the process of growth mode.
The sixth chapter is to solve the fourth problems raised, namely, what are the medium and small brand growth models based on Niche Theory? How do these models promote the growth and growth of small and medium brands in the brand ecosystem? Using the related ideas of niche theory to put forward 6 growth patterns of small and medium brand growth: the natural growth model of small and medium brands The growth mode of small and medium brand cluster, the cooperative evolution model of small and medium brand, the model of small brand ecological community growth, the parasitic growth model of small and medium brands, the growth model of small and medium brand niche, and the pattern formation, pattern characteristics and model growth strategy of various models, and the establishment of evaluation model tree. 4 industries of small and medium brand, small brand in manufacturing industry, small and medium brand in construction industry and small and medium brand in tourism industry are typical. 20 experts and relevant personnel are invited to make fuzzy evaluation of 6 growth modes in 4 industries. Finally, statistical arrangement is carried out, and the appropriateness of the corresponding growth model of different industries is obtained.
The seventh chapter is the conclusion and Prospect of the study. The relevant conclusions of this research process are summarized, and the future growth prospects of small and medium brands are prospected.
In this paper, the methods of metaphor study, literature research and normative research method, empirical quantitative research method, qualitative research exposition and quantitative data validation are used to explain the related content of the medium and small brand growth model.
First, the niche of small and medium enterprise brand is a kind of brand niche, including brand niche of small and medium sized enterprises, niche of small and medium population brand and brand niche of small and medium community, and the previous two levels are the research object. Fundamentally, the research of brand niche of small and medium-sized enterprises can not be separated from the acceptance and recognition of the market. But the concept of "consumer cognition" introduces the definition of niche of small and medium enterprise brand, and defines the niche of small and medium-sized enterprise brand from the level of consumer cognition and quality.
Second, from the brand ecosystem, the main factors that affect the growth model of the medium and small brands include the consumer brand value demand, brand cooperation in the brand ecosystem, the innovation ability of small and medium brand, the role of small and medium brand entrepreneurs, and the role of the small and medium brand habitat government. The 5 main factors are from the brand value, respectively. Niche dimensions such as brand market niche, brand technology niche, brand resource niche and other niche dimensions play a role in the growth mode of small and medium-sized brands.
Third, among the 5 major factors, the consumer brand value demand factor and the medium and small brand habitat government function factor are the starting point explanatory variables of the medium and small brand growth model: from the market behavior, the consumer brand value demand factor is the root factor of the medium and small brand enterprises to form the growth model, and there is no consumer brand value demand. It is impossible to encourage the small and medium brands to form the corresponding niche of brand value, and the small and medium brands have no significance. From the subjective initiative, the role of entrepreneurs is the soft element of the growth model of small and medium brands. Most of the small and medium brands in our country are derived from private enterprises and the will and role of entrepreneurs in private enterprises. It is very obvious that the brand awareness of the entrepreneurs can affect the brand growth of the whole small and medium-sized enterprises. From the current situation of the growth of small and medium brands in China, the small and medium brand habitat government has a great effect on the growth model of small and medium brands. The micro regional examples, such as the small and medium brand agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta region, the new small and medium brand agglomeration in Bohai Bay, the small and medium high-tech brand agglomeration in the urban high tech Zone, the small and medium clothing brand agglomeration in the urban clothing wholesale area, the small and medium brand agglomeration in the urban household industry, etc., have no doubt that the role of the small and medium brand habitat government. Brand cooperation and the distribution of small and medium brand innovation ability are intermediary variables in the conceptual model of action mechanism. The consumer brand value demand and the role of the small and medium brand habitat government need to influence the growth model through these two variables. The role of small and medium brand entrepreneurs is the adjustment of the consumer brand value demand to the growth model of small and medium brands. The influence of brand value demand on the growth pattern of small and medium brand is the direction and intensity. When small and medium brand entrepreneurs play a positive role, they will promote the impact of consumer brand value demand on the growth model of small and medium brands, and vice versa.
Fourth, according to the niche theory of medium and small brands and the validation of the conceptual model of the mechanism of action, 6 models for the growth of small and medium brands in the brand ecosystem are derived: the natural growth model of small and medium brands, the growth mode of small and medium brand clusters, the cooperative evolution model of small and medium brands, the growth mode of small and medium brand ecological community, and the mailing of small and medium brands The first 3 growth modes suitable for small and medium brands in high-tech industry are natural growth mode, parasitic growth model and cluster growth mode, and the first 3 growth modes suitable for small brand in manufacturing are cluster growth mode, respectively. Cooperative evolution growth model, small brand niche construction growth model; the first 3 growth models suitable for small and medium brands in construction industry are co evolution growth model, small brand niche construction growth model, natural growth model, and the first 3 growth models suitable for small and medium brands in tourism are the ecological community growth model, Brand niche construction growth mode, co evolution growth mode.
The innovation points of this study are mainly reflected in the following aspects: (1) thinking about the growth of small and medium brand enterprises from the niche theory, explaining the natural status of the growth of small and medium brand enterprises from a natural perspective, giving theoretical support for the sustainable growth of small and medium brands, and giving confidence and guidance to the brand strategy of small and medium-sized brand entrepreneurs. 2) introducing the concept of consumer cognition to define small and medium-sized enterprises
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