本文选题:品牌个性 + 品牌认知 ; 参考:《浙江理工大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,品牌越来越成为企业致胜的法宝,很多企业不惜重金打造品牌。可以说,是消费者对企业产品的购买支撑了企业的生存和发展。实质上,消费者是否购买某个品牌的产品很大程度上取决于消费者和品牌之间的关系,即品牌关系。因此,,建立理想而又强有力的品牌关系,增加消费者的重复购买次数,建立和维护消费者的品牌忠诚,就成为众多企业不懈奋斗的目标。 如同人一样,品牌也有各种各样的个性。品牌个性就是把品牌比喻成人,使品牌具有了人的性格特征。学者研究表明,品牌个性是影响品牌关系形成的重要因素。然而,品牌个性须先被消费者理解和接受,才能发挥它促进品牌关系形成的作用。因此,品牌个性需要通过品牌认知对品牌关系产生影响。另外,学者研究发现,真诚品牌个性比兴奋品牌个性更易于形成长期品牌关系;如果发生品牌侵害消费者利益的情况,具有真诚个性的品牌比具有兴奋个性的品牌受到更大的影响。因此,不同品牌个性对品牌关系产生不同的影响。 通过对国内外相关文献的梳理,发现品牌个性影响品牌认知和品牌关系的形成,品牌认知影响品牌关系的形成,因此,品牌认知可能在品牌个性对品牌关系的影响中发挥着中介作用。本文在回顾前人研究的基础上,提出品牌个性、品牌认知和品牌关系之间的模型,模型引入品牌认知作为品牌个性和品牌关系之间的中介变量,并提出研究假设,然后收集和分析数据,检验提出的假设并对原有模型进行修正,最后得出结论。本文重点研究了不同品牌个性对不同品牌关系的影响作用和品牌认知在品牌个性对品牌关系的影响中所起到的中介作用。 本文最终得出的主要结论有:第一,品牌个性对品牌关系有显著的正向影响作用,不同品牌个性对不同品牌关系具有不同的影响。能力个性、真诚个性和兴奋个性对家人关系有显著的正向影响作用,能力个性和真诚个性对合作伙伴关系有显著的正向影响作用,真诚个性和兴奋个性对好朋友关系有显著的正向影响作用。第二,品牌个性对品牌认知有显著的正向影响作用。第三,品牌认知对品牌关系有显著的正向影响作用。第四,品牌认知在品牌个性对品牌关系的影响中有显著的中介作用。这些研究结论丰富了品牌关系和品牌的相关理论,为实践中的企业开展营销活动和品牌管理提供了有益的启示。
[Abstract]:With the increasingly fierce competition in the market, brand has become a magic weapon for enterprises to win, and many enterprises do not hesitate to build brands. It can be said that the consumer purchase of enterprise products to support the survival and development of enterprises. In essence, whether a consumer buys a product of a brand largely depends on the relationship between the consumer and the brand, that is, the brand relationship. Therefore, establishing an ideal and strong brand relationship, increasing the number of repeated purchases by consumers, and establishing and maintaining the brand loyalty of consumers have become the unremitting goals of many enterprises. Like people, brands have a variety of personalities. Brand personality is to compare the brand adult, so that the brand has the personality characteristics of people. Scholars show that brand personality is an important factor influencing the formation of brand relationship. However, brand personality must be understood and accepted by consumers before it can play its role in promoting brand relationship. Therefore, brand personality needs to influence brand relationship through brand cognition. In addition, scholars have found that genuine brand personality is more likely to form a long-term brand relationship than excited brand personality; if a brand violates the interests of consumers, A brand with a genuine personality is more influenced than a brand with an exciting personality. Therefore, different brand personality has different influence on brand relationship. By combing the relevant literature at home and abroad, it is found that brand personality affects the formation of brand cognition and brand relationship, and brand cognition affects brand relationship. Brand cognition may play an intermediary role in the influence of brand personality on brand relationship. On the basis of reviewing the previous studies, this paper puts forward the model of brand personality, brand cognition and brand relationship. The model introduces brand cognition as the intermediary variable between brand personality and brand relationship, and puts forward the research hypothesis. Then the data are collected and analyzed, the hypotheses are tested, and the original model is revised. Finally, the conclusion is drawn. This paper focuses on the influence of different brand personality on different brand relationship and the intermediary effect of brand cognition on brand relationship. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, brand personality has significant positive effect on brand relationship, and different brand personality has different influence on different brand relationship. Ability personality, sincere personality and excited personality have significant positive influence on family relationship, ability personality and sincere personality have significant positive effect on partnership. Sincere personality and excited personality have significant positive effect on good friend relationship. Secondly, brand personality has a significant positive effect on brand cognition. Thirdly, brand cognition has a significant positive effect on brand relationship. Fourthly, brand cognition plays an important role in the influence of brand personality on brand relationship. These conclusions enrich the related theories of brand relationship and brand, and provide beneficial enlightenment for enterprises to carry out marketing activities and brand management in practice.
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