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发布时间:2018-07-04 20:04

  本文选题:危机 + 品牌形象 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 在当代社会中,危机无处不在,可以毫不夸张的说,我们生活在一个危机时代。危机越来越成为一个不可避免的话题与课题,危机产生的原因各异,从而决定了危机的归类纷繁复杂,危机所带来的影响更是千变万化,人们对危机的研究就是在这种背景下开始的。长期以来,学术界对危机的研究和探讨多数集中于政治学、公共管理学、组织行为学等方面,进入上个世纪80年代以来,随着企业危机发生频率的增多,破坏效果的增大,社会影响力的增强,针对危机对企业的影响及其管理的研究开始得到发展。 本文在回顾国内外危机理论的基础上,从企业管理理论中的品牌形象管理理论出发,着眼于危机与品牌形象的独特角度,针对危机对品牌形象产生的影响及其化解措施进行研究和分析,在整个研究分析中,离不开对危机相关理论、营销学相关理论、公共关系学相关理论和传播学相关理论以及广告学相关理论的综合分析探讨。 本文深入研究了危机对品牌形象产生的多种影响,构建了品牌形象管理和危机管理的桥梁,突出研究了品牌形象这一特殊元素在整个危机管理中的特殊地位,把品牌形象管理作为切入点来探讨企业在危机不同影响下的应对措施。没有像传统危机管理理论那样把危机管理简单的按危机的不同阶段框架来解读,而是侧重于在危机环境下,品牌形象究竟受到了哪些影响,针对这些影响应该采取什么样行之有效的措施来化解危机,从而使品牌的形象得到良好维护,使品牌的利益得到最大保护,使品牌自身价值在危机中转危为安,并在危机中对品牌形象管理作出总结,为企业将来如何应对危机找出合理方案。最后对危机中的品牌形象管理的局限性和未来研究思路提出了自己的看法,对学术界相的崭新的理论给予了关注,并对企业未来如何更好的利用品牌形象管理化解危机提出了建设性意见和针对性的建议。 本文在研究过程中,阅读分析引用了大量的企业危机案例,在案例的研究过程中,从实际操作出发,上升到理论高度,从个案中总结出企业受危机影响的共性问题,同样在案例分析中,从不同企业处理自身危机成败的个案中,寻找出品牌形象管理应对危机的共性措施,最终得出品牌形象管理在化解企业危机中已形成机制并将发挥越来越重要的作用。
[Abstract]:In contemporary society, crises are everywhere. It is no exaggeration to say that we live in a time of crisis. The crisis has become an inevitable topic and subject, and the causes of the crisis are different, which determines the complexity of the classification of the crisis, and the impact of the crisis is becoming more and more varied. It is against this background that people begin to study the crisis. For a long time, the research and discussion of the crisis in academic circles have focused on the aspects of politics, public management, organizational behavior, etc. Since the 1980s, with the increase of the frequency of enterprise crisis, the effect of destruction has increased. With the enhancement of social influence, the research on the impact of crisis on enterprises and their management has been developed. On the basis of reviewing the crisis theory at home and abroad, this paper starts from the brand image management theory in the enterprise management theory, focusing on the unique angle of crisis and brand image. In the whole research and analysis of the impact of the crisis on the brand image and its solution measures, we can not do without the crisis related theory, marketing related theory, A comprehensive analysis of the relevant theories of public relations, communication and advertising. This paper deeply studies the influence of the crisis on the brand image, constructs the bridge between the brand image management and the crisis management, and highlights the special position of the brand image in the whole crisis management. Take brand image management as the starting point to explore the countermeasures of enterprises under the different impact of the crisis. Instead of simply interpreting crisis management according to the different stages of the crisis, as the traditional crisis management theory does, it focuses on how the brand image is affected under the crisis environment. In view of these effects, what effective measures should be taken to defuse the crisis, so that the image of the brand can be maintained well, the interests of the brand can be maximized, and the brand's own value can be turned over in the crisis. In the crisis, brand image management is summarized to find a reasonable plan for enterprises to deal with the crisis in the future. Finally, the limitations of brand image management in the crisis and the ideas of future research are put forward, and the new theories of academic circles are paid attention to. And put forward constructive suggestions and targeted suggestions on how to better use brand image management to resolve the crisis in the future. In the course of the research, reading and analysis cited a large number of enterprise crisis cases, in the case study process, from the actual operation, rise to the theoretical level, from the case to sum up the common problems of enterprises affected by the crisis. Also in the case analysis, from the case of different enterprises dealing with their own crisis success or failure, find out the common measures of brand image management to deal with the crisis, Finally, it comes to the conclusion that brand image management has formed mechanism and will play a more and more important role in resolving enterprise crisis.


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