[Abstract]:This paper studies the innovative application of she nationality dress pattern in brand and packaging design, and discusses the cultural connotation and main characteristics of she nationality traditional dress pattern in Jingning, Zhejiang Province, from the formal structure. This paper analyzes the design features of the she nationality's traditional dress, which is the representative of the traditional dress, the geometric pattern, and the content analysis of the color characteristics and the classification method as well as the content analysis. On this basis, combined with the literature analysis, this paper puts forward the method of innovative application of she nationality's geometric decoration in brand and packaging design, and explores the application method of she nationality's geometric decoration pixel in combination with the actual project. The research on the innovative application of she nationality dress pattern in brand and packaging design emphasizes the inheritance and development of national culture, and advocates that designers should really understand the artistic characteristics and cultural background of national schemata. Combined with the characteristics of the times and modern design methods, modern brand and packaging design with national cultural connotation is created.
【作者单位】: 浙江工业大学艺术学院;云南艺术学院设计学院;
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