发布时间:2018-08-10 20:59
【摘要】: 外部环境的变化使得发达经济中的银行业已经逐步摆脱了传统的以存贷款等资产负债业务为主要收入来源,利息收入占据营业收入的绝大部分的传统业务型盈利模式,中间业务和表外业务发展迅速,非利息收入在营业收入中的比重越来越高,逐步从对公业务转向了个人金融业务。然而长期以来,由于体制的或历史的原因,我国的商业银行目前的经营模式基本上以传统业务业务为主,但是随着国民收入分配格局的调整,居民个人所拥有的财富不断增加,居民个人对金融服务的需求也正从一般的存贷款、代收代付业务向增值性的理财服务转变,个人金融业务存在巨大的利润空间,因此随着银行业的全面开放,今后竞争的焦点在于日益庞大的个人银行业务。而个人银行业务的综合载体却是一张小小的信用卡。 信用卡业务可以为商业银行带来高额的利息收入、交换费收入和手续费收入,而且可以通过吸收存款增加贷款等方式促进表内业务利润增加。毋庸置疑,商业银行之间个人业务的竞争主要表现为对信用卡业务的争夺。尤其是在作为传统的个人银行业务重点的住房贷款和汽车贷款市场持续萎缩,风险层出不穷的情况下,商业银行把竞争的核心转向盈利能力强、市场空间大的信用卡业务。可以说,信用卡的发展对于重塑我国银行业产业结构具有战略性影响。 但是作为一种新兴市场,我国的信用卡市场尚未出现规模效应,整个产业的经营成本较高,各个机构规模较小,市场进入的“门槛”较低,因此市场竞争的激烈程度很高。目前国内17家发卡行形成垄断竞争的市场结构,并且随着新的发卡机构不断出现,竞争的激烈程度与日俱增。更令国内发卡机构担忧的是,2007年是中国金融零售业务对外开放的第一年,外资银行正式进入中国,参与国内市场的竞争。我国银行业全面开放后,中外资银行间竞争的主要领域将是面向个人的零售业务,而这恰恰是个人金融业务发展缓慢的我国商业银行的“软肋”。而信用卡以其收益高、市场渗透力强和品牌影响广泛等特点,不仅成为了当前国内银行业竞争的焦点,而且也已经成为外资银行和企业抢摊中国市场的先遣业务之一。随着银行业的全面开放,已与这些国内银行在信用卡业务上有着长久合作关系的外资银行将获得正式的发卡资格,并且与中资银行享受同等待遇,这就意味着中外资银行将在同一个平台上直接竞争。而外资银行将利用其在产品和系统开发、市场营销、风险控制和品牌资源等方面的明显优势,与国内银行展开全面竞争。 就目前国内商业银行信用卡业务的竞争方式看,价格几乎全部达到底限,没有进一步降价的空间,这既是我国对信用卡价格进行管制的结果,又是价格管制的体现。与此同时,经过多年的发展,信用卡产品的差异逐渐缩小,尤其是在消费者的心目中,呈现高度同质化。因此对于商业银行之间的信用卡竞争是在几乎一致的价格水平上,利用几乎无差异的产品进行的。其市场绩效的直接表现就是信用卡利用率低,死卡休眠卡占据绝大比重,同时我国信用卡业务的盈利能力非常低。面对日益激烈的中国信用卡市场竞争,国内外尚缺乏有关中国信用卡市场竞争的完整深入的理论以及实证分析。同时在中国信用卡市场价格的规制条件下,中国商业银行如何在信用卡市场上进行差异化竞争并不断提高信用卡业务的市场绩效,依然是目前国内相关研究需要不断深入的问题。因此本选题具有一定的理论意义和实用价值。 本文将中国信用卡市场竞争与品牌经济问题的研究分解为六个部分: 第二章为研究假设及概念界定。本文的研究假设有三个:第一,鉴于公务卡的发行规模与交易数量都非常有限,因此本文将持卡人界定为个人消费者;第二,信用卡市场的供给大于消费者的实际需求,因此信用卡市场上存在过剩;第三,决定商业银行信用卡市场竞争力的根本因素是市场份额,而市场份额的大小最终取决于消费者的选择行为。为了更好地界定本文的核心概念信用卡,本文从货币与信用卡发展演进的角度确定了信用卡的内涵与外延,并明确本文所研究的信用卡指的是贷记卡与准贷记卡。然后,分析了信用卡的双边市场上的供给与需求的理论特征,本文后面的所有分析都是以双边市场作为前提和基础的。 第三章和第四章分别是对双边市场的两大主体——发卡机构的竞争现状和消费者的选择行为进行分析。其中第三章为中国信用卡竞争的现状分析。为了更为准确、清晰地描述信用卡市场的竞争态势,本文完整地运用SCP范式分析中国信用卡市场竞争状况,更为严谨地确定了中国信用卡市场结构类型,更为真实地描述了价格管制条件下商业银行的市场行为,并分析了市场绩效,在此基础上,完整地对中美信用卡市场进行了比较分析,以寻求经验与启示。通过SCP范式的比较分析,本文指出中国信用卡市场竞争在价格规制和产品高度同质的条件下,主观差异化与客观差异化相结合是可能的提高市场绩效的思路。 第四章为中国信用卡消费者选择基本模型分析。在第三章中国信用卡市场竞争分析的基础上,本章首先说明了双边市场的另一主体——消费者所面临的主要困境,即在价格基本一致和产品高度同质的条件下,消费者到底如何选择才能实现效用最大化?然后引入选择成本和转换成本,从理论上探讨了中国信用卡市场上选择成本与转换成本对于消费者选择的潜在影响。为了更真实地描述和刻画中国信用卡市场消费者的行为特征,根据问卷调查结果进行了聚类分析,并基于聚类分析的结果进一步进行统计分析,说明每一聚类消费者的持卡消费特征和选择特征,揭示了中国信用卡市场影响消费者选择行为的主要因素,并在此基础上构建了相关的消费者效用函数。 第五章和第六章引入品牌,分别分析论证了品牌与中国信用卡市场消费者选择行为之间的作用机制以及品牌与商业银行竞争行为之间的关系。其中第五章为中国信用卡消费者选择行为的品牌机制分析。将品牌信用度引入到品牌与选择成本的作用机制的分析中,并进一步讨论了信用卡品牌的品类。在此基础上,引入品牌需求强度系数和品类成长系数进一步说明信用卡发行者外部市场需求环境以及品类成长系数的动态变化对信用卡市场需求的影响。然后将品牌引入到转换成本的分析中,初步建立了消费者品牌转换的三步选择法。最后讨论了品牌与消费者福利增进之间的作用机制。理论上分析,品牌确实可以带来消费者剩余的增加,我国信用卡市场上品牌策略失败的根源在于没有能够很好地符合消费者的效用函数。 第六章为中国商业银行信用卡竞争的品牌机制分析。信用卡品牌拉力模型表明,信用卡品牌建设对商业银行扩大信用卡市场份额具有决定性意义,但是对于我国商业银行而言,品牌建设是否恰逢其时?本文运用DEA分析法,说明传统要素投入的边际效益是递减的,而品牌作为投入边际效益递增的要素可以加以考虑,因此品牌建设正当其时。如何成功打造品牌?信用卡产品的内敛性表明其增加功能的边际成本不断降低,而消费者的需求也更集中地体现在便利性上,为此初步构建了信用卡产品供给与消费者需求的均衡模型。并通过信用卡品牌价值的扩展均衡模型说明信用卡的品牌价值在于能够增加整个社会福利。 第七章为中国信用卡竞争的品牌经济策略。基于前面的分析论证,本章有针对性地提出了中国信用卡的品牌策略,包括信用卡品类对立策略、信用卡品牌促销策略、信用卡品牌延伸策略和信用卡品牌联合策略。品类定位是决定品牌建设首先要解决的问题,本文根据所构建的品类对立定位模型,提出了品类对立定位的具体策略,并完整地提出了信用卡品牌促销策略。在确立品牌延伸策略成功与否的判断标准之后,提出了信用卡品牌延伸成功的策略。并在确立品牌联合策略成功与否的判断标准之后,提出了信用卡品牌联合成功的策略。 综上所述,本文通过引入品牌经济学,解释并解决中国信用卡市场竞争问题。与以往相关研究不同,本文运用刚刚兴起的品牌经济学的相关理论解释了品牌与消费者选择以及商业银行竞争之间的作用机制,并提出了解决之道。应该说,本文的研究对日益激烈的信用卡市场竞争进行了较为充分的解释,并从品牌经济学的角度提出了提高竞争力的对策。
[Abstract]:The change of external environment makes the banking industry in the developed economy gradually get rid of the traditional asset-liability business, such as deposit and loan, which is the main source of income. Interest income accounts for the vast majority of business income. Intermediate business and off-balance-sheet business develop rapidly, and non-interest income accounts for the proportion of business income. However, for a long time, due to institutional or historical reasons, the current business model of China's commercial banks is basically dominated by traditional business. However, with the adjustment of the distribution pattern of national income, the wealth of individual residents has been increasing, and the individual residents have to pay more attention to it. The demand for financial services is also changing from general deposit and loan, collecting and paying services to value-added financial services, and there is a huge profit margin for personal financial services. Therefore, with the full opening of the banking industry, the focus of competition in the future will be increasingly huge personal banking business. Credit card.
Credit card business can bring high interest income, exchange fee income and handling fee income to commercial banks. It can also increase the profits of on-balance-sheet business by absorbing deposits and increasing loans. In the case of the housing loan and automobile loan market which is the focus of personal banking business shrinking continuously and the risks emerging in endlessly, commercial banks turn the core of competition to the credit card business with strong profitability and large market space.
However, as an emerging market, the credit card market in China has not yet appeared the scale effect, the operation cost of the whole industry is higher, the scale of each organization is smaller, the "threshold" of market entry is lower, so the market competition is very fierce. At present, 17 domestic card issuing banks have formed a monopolistic competition market structure, and with the new card issuing. More worrying is that 2007 is the first year for China's financial and retail business to open to the outside world. Foreign banks have formally entered China and participated in the competition in the domestic market. Retail business, which is just the "soft rib" of China's commercial banks with slow development of personal financial business, has not only become the focus of domestic banking competition, but also has become the pioneer business of foreign banks and enterprises to share the Chinese market with its high income, strong market penetration and wide brand influence. With the full opening of the banking sector, foreign banks that have long cooperated with these domestic banks in credit card business will be granted formal credit card issuing qualifications and enjoy the same treatment as Chinese banks, which means that Chinese and foreign banks will compete directly on the same platform. It has obvious advantages in system development, marketing, risk control and brand resources to compete with domestic banks in an all-round way.
As far as the competition mode of credit card business in domestic commercial banks is concerned, the price has almost reached the bottom line, and there is no room for further price reduction. This is not only the result of the regulation of credit card price in China, but also the embodiment of price control. At the same time, after years of development, the differences of credit card products have gradually narrowed, especially among consumers. Therefore, the credit card competition among commercial banks is conducted at almost the same price level, using almost no difference products. The direct performance of its market performance is the low utilization rate of credit cards, dead card dormant cards occupy a large proportion, and the profitability of China's credit card business is not. Facing the increasingly fierce competition in China's credit card market, there is still a lack of complete and in-depth theoretical and Empirical Analysis on the competition in China's credit card market at home and abroad. Market performance of business is still a problem that needs to be further studied in China. Therefore, this topic has certain theoretical significance and practical value.
In this paper, the research on China's credit card market competition and brand economy is divided into six parts.
The second chapter is the research hypothesis and the definition of the concept.There are three hypotheses in this paper.Firstly, in view of the limited issuance scale and transaction quantity of the official card, the cardholder is defined as individual consumer.Secondly, the supply of the credit card market is greater than the actual demand of consumers, so there is surplus in the credit card market.Thirdly, the decision is made. In order to better define the core concept of credit card, this paper defines the connotation and extension of credit card from the perspective of the evolution of money and credit card, and clarifies the research in this paper. Credit cards refer to credit cards and quasi-credit cards. Then, this paper analyzes the theoretical characteristics of supply and demand in the bilateral market of credit cards. All the subsequent analyses are based on the bilateral market.
Chapter three and chapter four respectively analyze the competition situation and consumer choice behavior of the two main bodies in the bilateral credit card market. Chapter three is the analysis of the status quo of credit card competition in China. With the competition of the credit card market, the structure types of the credit card market in China are determined more rigorously, the market behaviors of commercial banks under the condition of price control are described more truly, and the market performances are analyzed. On this basis, a comparative analysis of the credit card market between China and the United States is made to seek experience and enlightenment. By comparison, this paper points out that under the condition of price regulation and product homogeneity, the combination of subjective differentiation and objective differentiation is a possible way to improve market performance.
The fourth chapter is the analysis of the basic model of Chinese credit card consumers'choice.On the basis of the analysis of Chinese credit card market competition in the third chapter, this chapter first explains the main dilemma faced by consumers, the other main body of the bilateral market, that is, under the condition of basically identical prices and highly homogeneous products, how can consumers choose their talents? Then, by introducing selection cost and switching cost, the potential impact of selection cost and switching cost on consumer choice in China's credit card market is discussed theoretically. Based on the results of cluster analysis, this paper makes a further statistical analysis to illustrate the consumption characteristics and selection characteristics of each cluster of consumers, reveals the main factors affecting consumer choice behavior in China's credit card market, and constructs a relevant consumer utility function.
Chapter Five and Chapter Six introduce brand, analyze and prove the mechanism between brand and consumer choice behavior in credit card market of China and the relationship between brand and competitive behavior of commercial banks. Based on the analysis of the mechanism of cost selection, this paper further discusses the types of credit card brands. On this basis, brand demand intensity coefficient and category growth coefficient are introduced to further illustrate the impact of the external market demand environment of credit card issuers and the dynamic changes of category growth coefficient on the demand of credit card market. In the analysis of switching costs, a three-step method of brand switching is initially established. Finally, the mechanism of the interaction between brand and consumer welfare is discussed. Theoretically, brand can indeed bring about an increase in consumer surplus. The root of the failure of brand strategy in China's credit card market is that it can not be well matched. The utility function of consumers.
Chapter 6 is the analysis of the brand mechanism of credit card competition in China's commercial banks. The model of credit card brand pull shows that credit card brand building is decisive for commercial banks to expand the market share of credit card. But for Chinese commercial banks, is brand building just in time? This paper uses DEA analysis method to explain the traditional elements. The marginal benefit of input decreases gradually, and the brand as the factor of increasing marginal benefit of input can be considered, so the brand construction is just in time. How to build a brand successfully? The introverted nature of credit card products shows that the marginal cost of increasing function is decreasing continuously, and the consumer demand is more concentrated on convenience, so the brand construction is in good time. The equilibrium model of credit card product supply and consumer demand is preliminarily constructed, and the extended equilibrium model of credit card brand value shows that the brand value of credit card can increase the whole social welfare.
Chapter 7 is the brand economy strategy of credit card competition in China. Based on the analysis and demonstration above, this chapter puts forward the brand strategy of credit card in China, including the strategy of credit card category antagonism, the strategy of credit card brand promotion, the strategy of credit card brand extension and the strategy of credit card brand combination. Firstly, according to the model of category antagonism positioning, this paper puts forward the specific strategy of category antagonism positioning, and puts forward the promotion strategy of credit card brand completely. After the criteria of success or failure, the strategy of joint success of credit card brand is put forward.
To sum up, this paper introduces brand economics to explain and solve the problem of credit card market competition in China. Different from the previous studies, this paper uses the theory of brand economics to explain the mechanism between brand and consumer choice and Commercial Bank competition, and puts forward the solution. This paper fully explains the increasingly fierce competition in the credit card market, and puts forward some countermeasures to improve the competitiveness from the perspective of brand economics.
[Abstract]:The change of external environment makes the banking industry in the developed economy gradually get rid of the traditional asset-liability business, such as deposit and loan, which is the main source of income. Interest income accounts for the vast majority of business income. Intermediate business and off-balance-sheet business develop rapidly, and non-interest income accounts for the proportion of business income. However, for a long time, due to institutional or historical reasons, the current business model of China's commercial banks is basically dominated by traditional business. However, with the adjustment of the distribution pattern of national income, the wealth of individual residents has been increasing, and the individual residents have to pay more attention to it. The demand for financial services is also changing from general deposit and loan, collecting and paying services to value-added financial services, and there is a huge profit margin for personal financial services. Therefore, with the full opening of the banking industry, the focus of competition in the future will be increasingly huge personal banking business. Credit card.
Credit card business can bring high interest income, exchange fee income and handling fee income to commercial banks. It can also increase the profits of on-balance-sheet business by absorbing deposits and increasing loans. In the case of the housing loan and automobile loan market which is the focus of personal banking business shrinking continuously and the risks emerging in endlessly, commercial banks turn the core of competition to the credit card business with strong profitability and large market space.
However, as an emerging market, the credit card market in China has not yet appeared the scale effect, the operation cost of the whole industry is higher, the scale of each organization is smaller, the "threshold" of market entry is lower, so the market competition is very fierce. At present, 17 domestic card issuing banks have formed a monopolistic competition market structure, and with the new card issuing. More worrying is that 2007 is the first year for China's financial and retail business to open to the outside world. Foreign banks have formally entered China and participated in the competition in the domestic market. Retail business, which is just the "soft rib" of China's commercial banks with slow development of personal financial business, has not only become the focus of domestic banking competition, but also has become the pioneer business of foreign banks and enterprises to share the Chinese market with its high income, strong market penetration and wide brand influence. With the full opening of the banking sector, foreign banks that have long cooperated with these domestic banks in credit card business will be granted formal credit card issuing qualifications and enjoy the same treatment as Chinese banks, which means that Chinese and foreign banks will compete directly on the same platform. It has obvious advantages in system development, marketing, risk control and brand resources to compete with domestic banks in an all-round way.
As far as the competition mode of credit card business in domestic commercial banks is concerned, the price has almost reached the bottom line, and there is no room for further price reduction. This is not only the result of the regulation of credit card price in China, but also the embodiment of price control. At the same time, after years of development, the differences of credit card products have gradually narrowed, especially among consumers. Therefore, the credit card competition among commercial banks is conducted at almost the same price level, using almost no difference products. The direct performance of its market performance is the low utilization rate of credit cards, dead card dormant cards occupy a large proportion, and the profitability of China's credit card business is not. Facing the increasingly fierce competition in China's credit card market, there is still a lack of complete and in-depth theoretical and Empirical Analysis on the competition in China's credit card market at home and abroad. Market performance of business is still a problem that needs to be further studied in China. Therefore, this topic has certain theoretical significance and practical value.
In this paper, the research on China's credit card market competition and brand economy is divided into six parts.
The second chapter is the research hypothesis and the definition of the concept.There are three hypotheses in this paper.Firstly, in view of the limited issuance scale and transaction quantity of the official card, the cardholder is defined as individual consumer.Secondly, the supply of the credit card market is greater than the actual demand of consumers, so there is surplus in the credit card market.Thirdly, the decision is made. In order to better define the core concept of credit card, this paper defines the connotation and extension of credit card from the perspective of the evolution of money and credit card, and clarifies the research in this paper. Credit cards refer to credit cards and quasi-credit cards. Then, this paper analyzes the theoretical characteristics of supply and demand in the bilateral market of credit cards. All the subsequent analyses are based on the bilateral market.
Chapter three and chapter four respectively analyze the competition situation and consumer choice behavior of the two main bodies in the bilateral credit card market. Chapter three is the analysis of the status quo of credit card competition in China. With the competition of the credit card market, the structure types of the credit card market in China are determined more rigorously, the market behaviors of commercial banks under the condition of price control are described more truly, and the market performances are analyzed. On this basis, a comparative analysis of the credit card market between China and the United States is made to seek experience and enlightenment. By comparison, this paper points out that under the condition of price regulation and product homogeneity, the combination of subjective differentiation and objective differentiation is a possible way to improve market performance.
The fourth chapter is the analysis of the basic model of Chinese credit card consumers'choice.On the basis of the analysis of Chinese credit card market competition in the third chapter, this chapter first explains the main dilemma faced by consumers, the other main body of the bilateral market, that is, under the condition of basically identical prices and highly homogeneous products, how can consumers choose their talents? Then, by introducing selection cost and switching cost, the potential impact of selection cost and switching cost on consumer choice in China's credit card market is discussed theoretically. Based on the results of cluster analysis, this paper makes a further statistical analysis to illustrate the consumption characteristics and selection characteristics of each cluster of consumers, reveals the main factors affecting consumer choice behavior in China's credit card market, and constructs a relevant consumer utility function.
Chapter Five and Chapter Six introduce brand, analyze and prove the mechanism between brand and consumer choice behavior in credit card market of China and the relationship between brand and competitive behavior of commercial banks. Based on the analysis of the mechanism of cost selection, this paper further discusses the types of credit card brands. On this basis, brand demand intensity coefficient and category growth coefficient are introduced to further illustrate the impact of the external market demand environment of credit card issuers and the dynamic changes of category growth coefficient on the demand of credit card market. In the analysis of switching costs, a three-step method of brand switching is initially established. Finally, the mechanism of the interaction between brand and consumer welfare is discussed. Theoretically, brand can indeed bring about an increase in consumer surplus. The root of the failure of brand strategy in China's credit card market is that it can not be well matched. The utility function of consumers.
Chapter 6 is the analysis of the brand mechanism of credit card competition in China's commercial banks. The model of credit card brand pull shows that credit card brand building is decisive for commercial banks to expand the market share of credit card. But for Chinese commercial banks, is brand building just in time? This paper uses DEA analysis method to explain the traditional elements. The marginal benefit of input decreases gradually, and the brand as the factor of increasing marginal benefit of input can be considered, so the brand construction is just in time. How to build a brand successfully? The introverted nature of credit card products shows that the marginal cost of increasing function is decreasing continuously, and the consumer demand is more concentrated on convenience, so the brand construction is in good time. The equilibrium model of credit card product supply and consumer demand is preliminarily constructed, and the extended equilibrium model of credit card brand value shows that the brand value of credit card can increase the whole social welfare.
Chapter 7 is the brand economy strategy of credit card competition in China. Based on the analysis and demonstration above, this chapter puts forward the brand strategy of credit card in China, including the strategy of credit card category antagonism, the strategy of credit card brand promotion, the strategy of credit card brand extension and the strategy of credit card brand combination. Firstly, according to the model of category antagonism positioning, this paper puts forward the specific strategy of category antagonism positioning, and puts forward the promotion strategy of credit card brand completely. After the criteria of success or failure, the strategy of joint success of credit card brand is put forward.
To sum up, this paper introduces brand economics to explain and solve the problem of credit card market competition in China. Different from the previous studies, this paper uses the theory of brand economics to explain the mechanism between brand and consumer choice and Commercial Bank competition, and puts forward the solution. This paper fully explains the increasingly fierce competition in the credit card market, and puts forward some countermeasures to improve the competitiveness from the perspective of brand economics.
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