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发布时间:2018-08-12 11:41
【摘要】: 随着企业间的竞争日趋激烈,营销成本不断提高,市场信息更加透明,产品越来越同质化,顾客逐渐成熟,品牌成为区分不同产品和服务从而赢得顾客的重要手段,越来越多的企业意识到品牌在生产经营中的重要性。品牌资产是近二十年来营销领域最关注的热点课题之一,同时也是美国营销协会提出的前沿课题之一。品牌资产的概念最早出现在20世纪80年代早期的美国,它是指与没有品牌的产品相比,品牌为企业带来的超越产品使用价值的附加价值。自上世纪80年代开始,受改革开放和跨国公司进入中国市场运用品牌战略的影响,我国本土企业和全社会的品牌意识开始上升,积极开创自有品牌,品牌资产开始为中国企业所重视。 品牌资产作为公司最有价值的无形资产,其评估问题成为人们关注的焦点,相关研究大量展开。就现有品牌资产评估研究而言,根据研究基础的不同可以分为两类:一类财务取向企业品牌资产评估,这类评估属于客观的衡量,它从公司财务的角度赋予品牌某种价值。品牌财务价值被广泛用于品牌收购、兼并或租赁的市场行为中。一类是顾客取向的品牌资产评估,该方法着眼于从消费者角度评估品牌强度,即品牌在消费者心目中的地位。基于顾客的品牌资产来源于企业以往的营销努力形成的对顾客心理和行为方面的影响。 从目前的研究情况看,基于顾客的品牌资产评估既可以测量到品牌的强度及强度的变化,揭示出隐藏在品牌资产的经济价值本质驱动因素,也可以从中发现影响品牌资产及其变化的因素,对企业品牌管理有指导意义,从而具有广阔的应用前景和价值。因此,顾客成为品牌资产测量的出发点。基于顾客的品牌资产认为品牌之所以能给企业带来各种利益,是因为品牌对顾客的心理和行为上产生了影响。从品牌创造价值的过程和品牌与顾客之间的关系进行分析可以发现,如果一个品牌对于顾客而言没有任何意义,那它也不可能为企业带来提供任何价值,而品牌资产的核心便是如何为顾客建立品牌,因此顾客是品牌资产潜在和现实的利润的真正源泉,从顾客的角度来研究品牌资产可以反映其本质,具有重要的理论价值。 著名品牌研究学者Keller和Aaker均认为品牌资产不仅能为企业创造价值也能为顾客创造价值。本文通过大量文献的收集发现,有关品牌资产为公司创造价值方面的研究已较为丰富,但品牌资产对顾客感知价值影响的研究较少,且缺乏实证研究,研究不够系统化。 本文正是基于以上研究背景分析,运用实证研究的方法研究了基于顾客的品牌资产对顾客感知价值的影响。 研究内容分为三部分,第一部分主要是文献回顾。首先,本文总结了有关品牌资产的三种定义:基于财务的品牌资产定义、基于市场的品牌资产定义、基于顾客的品牌资产定义。通过比较分析,本文认为基于财务的品牌资产研究方法将品牌带来的未来超额受益折现求和,得到品牌的价值。尽管产生了较大的影响,其评价结果并没有被资本市场和企业完成接受和采用。原因是缺乏对企业的经营活动和品牌管理实践有指导意义的信息,并且评估方法也存在缺陷。基于市场的品牌资产研究方法实际上是基于财务品牌资产研究方法的改进,它着重研究品牌资产的市场表现(财务效果和市场效果),但是它忽略了品牌资产的真实来源和建立过程,特别是在企业品牌价值提升过程中,不利于企业开展针对性营销活动。因此,顾客成为品牌资产测量的出发点。并将基于顾客的品牌资产定义为由企业营销活动引发的顾客在认知、情感、态度和行为等方面对于企业营销活动的差别化反应,从而形成的一种无形资产。其次,本文总结了有关品牌资产评估的方法,通过分析比较,决定选用Aaker的品牌资产分析方法对品牌资产进行评估。第三,对本文模型涉及的主要变量基于顾客的品牌资产和顾客感知价值的构念和维度进行较为系统的文献回顾。基于顾客的品牌资产的构念主要包括感知质量、品牌忠诚、品牌知名度和品牌联想,顾客感知价值的构念包括功能价值、情感价值和成本。第二部分主要是建立研究模型、提出研究假说。在文献研究的基础上,本文共提出14个研究假说。第三部分是数据分析和模型检验。本研究选取我国手机市场品牌作为研究对象,以问卷调查形式收集数据,从品牌资产和顾客感知价值两方面考虑研究量表,问卷设计中使用的量表是基于查阅相关国外文献资料即根据西方成熟量表设计的。同时量表生成主要遵循了Churchill提出的量表设计原则。在总结相关学者研究的基础上提出本文的量表初稿,并在征求了导师及相关专家的意见建议后,将测量题项的措辞表达方式进一步完善,为争描述简洁且不会造成歧义,随后进行了预测试以强化问卷中各个测量题项的设计,确保评估量表的语意表达正确性。为了调查的方便,本研究主要采取网络调查的方式进行,所有问题设计均为封闭式问题。抽样分小样本和大样本两个阶段进行。在小样本预试时,样本量为90份,正式研究发放问卷250份,有效回收210份,有效问卷回收率为84%。之后,对回收数据进行编码、录入,模型拟合分析前,首先对问卷的信度和效度进行了检验,信度检验主要计算了各量表的克朗巴哈(Cronbach)α系数,效度检验考查了量表的收敛效度和判别效度,分析结果表明,本研究选用的量表具有较好的信度和效度。模型拟合检验主要选用Amos7.0对构建的模型进行路劲系数检验。初次进行模型拟合时,卡方统计值与自由度之比(χ2/df)和近似均方根误差(RMSEA)略高于标准要求,拟合优度指数(GFI)和规范拟合指数(NFI)略低于标准。故应对模型进行调整,经调整后,模型的χ2/df、RMSEA、GFI、NFI值均有所改观,另外比较拟合指数(CFI)值有所下降,但同样符合要求。模型路径分析显示,14个假设中有10条路径的标准化系数都通过了显著性检验,说明本研究提出的理论假设中,10个理论假设成立。 通过对数据分析和模型拟合检验,本文得到了以下研究结论: (1)从研究分析中发现,感知质量和品牌知名度分别对感知成本产生负向和正向的影响;品牌知名度和品牌联想对情感价值产生正向影响;品牌联想、品牌忠诚、感知质量对功能价值产生正向影响;功能价值和情感价值对顾客感知价值产生正向影响,成本对顾客感知价值产生负向影响。(2)情感价值是顾客感知价值中最主要的影响因素,而影响情感价值的品牌资产因素中,品牌知名度到情感价值的路径系数最大。另外,品牌知名度也是顾客认识品牌的第一步,所以,企业应当注重品牌知名度的建设,这是提高品牌资产价值和顾客感知价值的基础。 本研究的价值在于,从基于顾客的品牌资产出发,运用实证的方法分析了基于顾客的品牌资产各构成要素通过顾客感知价值构成要素影响到顾客总体感知价值的过程,探明了各要素之间的路径关系,证明了品牌资产对顾客感知价值的影响。另外,本文引入顾客感知价值模型,从顾客角度分析品牌资产的来源,完善了Yoo, Donthu和Lee的品牌资产模型和现有理论。 在对企业营销工作的指导上,本文提出要注重品牌宣传,提高品牌知名度;同时注重整体品牌资产的建设,从品牌资产角度全面提升顾客感知价值等营销建议。 同时本文在研究过程中也存在许多研究不足,例如选择的行业主要是手机行业,不利于跨行业比较;样本主要局限于学生样本,年龄和职业分布不均匀,没有做分层抽样;品牌资产评估模型目前还没有达成统一的共识,评估的方法还有待提高;品牌资产各组成要素间的相关关系以及要素间的层级关系未纳入分析讨论,等等。以后学者的研究都可以围绕这些方面进行。
[Abstract]:With the increasingly fierce competition among enterprises, increasing marketing costs, more transparent market information, more and more homogeneous products, customers gradually mature, brand has become an important means of distinguishing different products and services to win customers, more and more enterprises realize the importance of brand in production and operation. Brand equity is nearly 20 years old. The concept of brand equity first appeared in the early 1980s in the United States. It refers to the added value that brands bring to enterprises beyond the value of their products when compared with products without brands. At first, influenced by the reform and opening up and the multinational corporations'brand strategy, the brand awareness of the local enterprises and the whole society began to rise, actively creating their own brands, and brand equity began to be valued by Chinese enterprises.
As the most valuable intangible assets of a company, the evaluation of brand equity has become the focus of attention, and a large number of related studies have been carried out. Brand financial value is widely used in the market behavior of brand acquisition, merger or lease. One is customer-oriented brand equity evaluation, which focuses on evaluating brand strength from the consumer's point of view, that is, brand status in the consumer's mind. The impact of past marketing efforts on customer psychology and behavior.
From the current research situation, the brand equity evaluation based on customer can not only measure the change of brand strength and intensity, but also reveal the essential driving factors of economic value hidden in brand equity, and also find the factors that affect brand equity and its change. It has a guiding significance to the brand management of enterprises, and thus has a broad response. Therefore, the customer becomes the starting point of brand equity measurement. Based on the customer's brand equity, it is believed that the brand can bring various benefits to the enterprise because the brand has an impact on the customer's psychology and behavior. If a brand has no meaning to customers, it can not bring any value to the enterprise, and the core of brand equity is how to build a brand for customers, so customers are the real source of potential and real profits of brand equity. Studying brand equity from the customer's point of view can reflect its essence. Important theoretical value.
Both Keller and Aker believe that brand equity can not only create value for enterprises but also create value for customers. Through a large number of literature collection, this paper finds that the research on brand equity creating value for companies has been more abundant, but the research on the impact of brand equity on customer perceived value is less, and lack of reality. Certificate research, research is not systematic.
Based on the above research background analysis, this paper uses empirical research methods to study the impact of customer-based brand equity on customer perceived value.
The first part is literature review. Firstly, this paper summarizes three definitions of brand equity: brand equity based on finance, brand equity based on market and brand equity based on customer. Despite the great influence, the evaluation result has not been accepted and adopted by the capital market and enterprises. The reason is the lack of information which is instructive to the enterprise's business activities and brand management practice, and the evaluation method also has defects. The research method of brand equity is actually based on the improvement of the research method of financial brand equity. It focuses on the market performance of brand equity (financial effect and market effect), but it neglects the real source and establishment process of brand equity, especially in the process of brand value promotion, which is not conducive to targeted marketing. Therefore, the customer becomes the starting point of brand equity measurement. The customer-based brand equity is defined as an intangible asset formed by the customer's different response to marketing activities in terms of cognition, emotion, attitude and behavior. Secondly, this paper summarizes the related brand equity evaluation. Thirdly, the main variables involved in this model based on customer brand equity and customer perceived value are systematically reviewed. The concept of customer-based brand equity mainly includes perception. Quality, brand loyalty, brand awareness and brand association, and customer perceived value include functional value, emotional value and cost. The second part is to establish a research model and propose research hypothesis. On the basis of literature research, this paper puts forward 14 research hypotheses. The third part is data analysis and model testing. The mobile phone market brand in China is taken as the research object, and the data is collected by questionnaire. The research scale is considered from the aspects of brand equity and customer perceived value. The scale used in the design of the questionnaire is designed on the basis of consulting relevant foreign literature, i.e. according to the Western Maturity Scale. On the basis of summarizing the relevant scholars'research, this paper puts forward the first draft of the scale, and after consulting the advisors and relevant experts, further improves the wording of the measurement items, in order to describe concisely and without ambiguity, and then makes a prediction attempt to strengthen the design of each measurement item in the questionnaire. For the convenience of the survey, all the questions were designed as closed questions. Sampling was carried out in two stages: small sample and large sample. The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were tested. The Cronbach alpha coefficients of each scale were calculated. The validity and convergence validity of the scales were tested. The results showed that the validity and convergence validity of the scales were tested. Amos 7.0 was used to test the road stiffness coefficient of the model. The ratio of chi-square statistic value to degree of freedom (_2/df) and approximate root mean square error (RMSEA) were slightly higher than the standard requirement, and the goodness of fit index (GFI) and standard fitting index (NFI) were used to test the road stiffness coefficient of the model. Therefore, the model should be adjusted. After adjustment, the_2/df, RMSEA, GFI, NFI values of the model have been improved, and the CFI values have decreased, but also meet the requirements. The path analysis of the model shows that the standardization coefficients of 10 of the 14 hypotheses have passed the significance test, indicating the rationale proposed in this study. In the hypothesis, 10 theoretical hypotheses are established.
Through data analysis and model fitting test, this paper draws the following conclusions: (1) From the research analysis, perceived quality and brand awareness have a negative and positive impact on perceived cost; brand awareness and brand association have a positive impact on emotional value; brand association, brand loyalty, perceived quality have a positive impact on function. (2) Emotional value is the most important factor affecting customer perceived value, and the path coefficient from brand awareness to emotional value is the largest among the factors affecting brand equity. In addition, brand awareness is the first step for customers to understand the brand, so enterprises should pay attention to the construction of brand awareness, which is the basis for improving the value of brand assets and customer perceived value.
The value of this study is that, from the perspective of customer-based brand equity, this paper uses empirical methods to analyze the process in which the components of customer-based brand equity affect customer perceived value through the components of customer perceived value, explores the path relationships among the elements, and proves that brand equity has an impact on customer perceived value. In addition, this paper introduces the customer perceived value model, analyzes the source of brand equity from the customer perspective, and improves Yoo, Donthu and Lee's brand equity model and existing theories.
In the guidance of enterprise marketing, this paper puts forward some marketing suggestions, such as paying attention to brand propaganda and improving brand awareness, paying attention to the construction of overall brand equity and enhancing customer perceived value from the perspective of brand equity.
At the same time, there are also many deficiencies in the research process, such as the choice of industry is mainly mobile phone industry, which is not conducive to cross-industry comparison; the sample is mainly limited to the student sample, age and occupation distribution is uneven, not stratified sampling; brand equity evaluation model has not yet reached a consensus, evaluation methods are yet to be achieved. In the future, scholars can focus on these aspects.


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