[Abstract]:With the globalization of the world economy, the market competition gradually changes from the original product competition and the price competition to the brand competition. The success or failure of brand strategy directly affects the growth, development and even survival of enterprises. With the increasing diversification of consumer demand, differentiation and individuation, enterprises with multiple brands can better meet the differentiated needs of all kinds of customers, so as to establish a competitive advantage for enterprises. However, due to the lack of systematic integrated management methods, it is difficult to form a combination benefit because of the dispersion of brand shaping and information dissemination at different levels of multi-brand management enterprises, and even the conflict between each other. Enterprises urgently need to re-understand the connotation of the brand, establish a new brand concept and brand management theory. In the process of intersecting and comprehensive development of modern science, the cross-penetration of ecology and science is especially prominent. The research of ecology is reasonable not only in biology, but also in technology, sociology, law, management, etc. It has developed into a bridge between science and society. The research of enterprise brand group based on ecological theory is essentially a kind of research on the relationship between multiple brands within an enterprise guided by ecological system theory. Focusing on the brand characteristics of the new economic era, it emphasizes the comprehensive ecological research on the factors of brand management inside and outside the enterprise, such as technology, information, personnel, customers and so on, and on this basis, it optimizes the relationship between each brand within the brand group. In order to make the enterprise brand group better adapt to the environmental requirements of market development. The second chapter lists the theoretical basis of the research, the third chapter mainly analyzes the ecology of enterprise brand group, and discusses the relationship between brands in the brand group for the fourth chapter. The fifth chapter provides the foundation for the construction of brand group and the sixth chapter for the optimization of brand group; the seventh chapter is the conclusion, mainly explains the shortcomings of the article and provides the direction for further research.
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