[Abstract]:The rise of local design has become an important part of China's cultural strength. "Decoration" plans to launch the "Chinese Design original Brand Series", the basic orientation of which is original design in China, with emphasis on industry and market. Emphasis on brand operation, as well as a native Chinese original design brand, focus on the current life and people's livelihood of the humanistic feelings and pragmatic spirit and action. Focus on a number of young clothing and jewelry brands. In the summer of July, we continue to introduce furniture. Based on the characteristics of the industry, the original brand of furniture design presents different degrees of maturity, but has experienced thinking and honed, in the continuous practice of development. We can see the richness of original power in this field. The designers of these brands are architects, interior designers, industrial product designers, and non-design professionals, such as media professionals, who come into the industry out of interest, learn themselves and grow up. And as a entrepreneurial team to build their own brand, a certain recognition. As native Chinese original brands, although they have natural Chinese cultural genes, they are expressed in different ways. They have different thoughts and actions on Chinese tradition and folk art, and on the construction and operation of the brand. The absorption and application of international design resources and energy also shows the confidence and ability of Chinese furniture design original brands. Zhu Mingsheng long, all things Hua Shi, we work hard, look forward to and believe in harvest. Here, to the industry leaders, industry front teachers, respectable and lovely designers, as well as the support of all the original Chinese people, and with the Chinese original design brand.
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