[Abstract]:As an important pillar industry, real estate industry plays an important role in our national economy. In recent years, in order to stabilize the real estate prices and maintain the healthy and orderly development of the real estate market, the government has issued a lot of macro-control policies, which makes land and other scarce resources, as well as industry competition, to be further intensified. In such a bad situation, brand strategy is undoubtedly the most competitive strategy of an enterprise. A good brand can be recognized by consumers, praised by the government, and built into a brand strategy. Promotion of brand value is bound to be the only way for real estate enterprises to develop for a long time. Starting with the basic theory of real estate brand and its brand strategy, this paper takes Tianyuan Co., Ltd, the only listed company with real estate as its main business, as its research object. By using the methods of literature, case analysis and personnel interview, this paper systematically analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of brand strategic management in Tianyuan Co., Ltd., based on the review of related documents, such as brand, brand strategy management, etc. This paper deeply studies the present situation and existing problems of its brand management, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to further improve the brand strategic management performance of Tianyuan Co., Ltd. The author thinks that the brand strategy of Tianyuan Company should be based on the idea of "rational development, value creation", based on Xi'an, consolidating Shanghai, strengthening Shenzhen, developing Tianjin as the train of thought, pursuing excellent quality system, innovating marketing and planning. Promote the corporate image of Tianyuan Company, provide the middle class with their identity, status, income, values, life style and other personalized living space, so that owners from the subtle depth to experience more value, more care. In a word, through the above analysis and research, the paper tries to provide some concrete and feasible ideas, methods and suggestions for the real estate brand strategic system planning and implementation of brand strategy management. Also hope to be able to face brand strategy management "bottleneck" real estate brand development in the western region to useful lessons.
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1 本报记者 张松 薄文军;蓝海的魅力[N];东营日报;2005年
2 记者 李舒瑜;研祥智能科技股份有限公司成立党委[N];深圳特区报;2008年
3 记者 杨U,