[Abstract]:The competition of an enterprise has gone through production competition, cost competition and talent competition, and now it has developed to the era of brand competition. All the advantages of technology, talent and capital of an enterprise are finally reflected in the competition of strong brands. It can be said that the enterprise has entered an era of comprehensive brand competition, and the brand management strategy of the enterprise determines the enterprise. With the development of high-tech industry, consumers'awareness of high-tech brand is increasing day by day, and consumers can see through the "window" of high-tech industry image. To a region's economic development level, represents a region's latest development direction, in line with the development needs of the market economy, so as to establish the best image of high-tech industries.
This paper studies the high-tech brand value-added strategy of Shandong Province, establishes the high-tech brand equity structure model of Shandong Province, puts forward the key value-added factors of high-tech brand in Shandong Province, and constructs the weight evaluation model of high-tech brand capital-added strategy of Shandong Province. The home scoring method combines the stereotype analysis with the quantitative analysis. Specifically, this paper firstly summarizes the status quo of domestic and foreign traditional brand and high-tech brand research, defines the relevant concepts of the study, introduces the brand strategy theory, brand equity theory and other basic theories; secondly, it introduces the development status of high-tech industry in Shandong Province and Shandong Province. This paper analyzes the current situation of high-tech brand development in Shandong Province, finds out the shortcomings and problems of high-tech brand development in Shandong Province, establishes the high-tech brand equity structure model of Shandong Province through qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and puts forward the key value-added factors of high-tech brand in Shandong Province. Key value-added factors, using AHP and expert scoring method for the four high-tech industries in Shandong Province, ten kinds of brand equity value-added strategies are weighted respectively, providing quantitative guidance for high-tech enterprises in Shandong Province to enhance brand value; finally, according to the proposed key value-added factors and value-added measures of high-tech brands in Shandong Province In the light of weight analysis, the specific value-added strategy of high-tech brand in Shandong is given.
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