[Abstract]:The external economic environment of enterprises is changing rapidly, and the marketing strategy management practice is paid more and more attention by enterprise managers. How to make effective use of enterprise resources and formulate marketing strategies suitable to the external environment of enterprises has become the top priority for the survival and development of enterprises. However, the establishment of marketing strategy is not the symbol of enterprise success, but only represents a good beginning, the effective implementation of the marketing strategy is the key to success. The Management Game course simulates a typical multi-country market competition environment in which the operations and management of companies involve marketing, production, finance, research and development, and so on. By "operating" a multinational company that competes in a dynamic international market environment, participants learn how to formulate and implement corporate strategic plans in uncertain environments and under the pressure of limited time. This thesis is based on the marketing strategy management part of Xi and Table Company. Xi and international watch industry company is one of the virtual companies in Management Game environment. It is a multinational corporation headquartered in the United States. It has production and R & D bases in the United States and Mexico. Its main products are high and middle grade watches, which are sold to six countries on three continents around the world. Based on the management of the virtual company in 2008 and 2010, this paper expounds in detail the formulation and implementation of marketing strategy in the course of operation, including the analysis of the environment of the company's marketing strategy, the formulation and adjustment of the marketing strategy. And the implementation and evaluation of marketing strategy.
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