发布时间:2018-10-22 12:40
【摘要】: 品牌作为企业一项重要的无形资产,反映了企业发展的潜力,决定了企业的长期竞争力。品牌价值对一家企业盈利能力的影响作用越来越大,同时品牌价值在诸如企业并购、投融资等经济活动中也越来越显示其重要性。本文的写作目的是找到品牌价值和企业盈利能力两者之间的相关性,并尝试在实际投资中加以应用。本文从基本理论入手,介绍品牌价值的来源与内涵,分析品牌价值如何影响企业盈利能力的原理。试图通过实证研究和实践应用两部分分别解答和探讨课题来源中提出的两个疑问。疑问一,“品牌价值与公司盈利能力的相关性如何?”和疑问二,“如果说品牌价值与公司盈利能力真的具有较强的相关性,那它对我们的投资实践是否能有一定帮助呢?” 本文始终围绕着解答上面两个疑问来写。通过第三章(实证研究部分)和第四章(实践应用部分)来连贯并详细的论证了品牌价值与公司盈利能力的相关性及此相关性在实际投资实践中运用的有效性。在论证的过程中实际也同时回答了这两个疑问。第三章实证研究部分解答了第一个疑问,从而来证明品牌价值与公司盈利能力的相关性,并解释品牌价值是如何对公司盈利能力产生作用的。通过对样本数据的面板处理分析,得到的结论是,品牌价值与公司盈利能力之间存在显著的正向的相关性。第四章的实践应用部分解答了第二个疑问,从而在第三章已经证明品牌价值与公司盈利能力相关性的基础上,进一步深入探讨这种相关性对投资实践是否有帮助。主要是“品牌收益”和“品牌倍率”概念的提出和应用,并在实际案例应用中(可口可乐收购汇源的案例)体现出较好的效果。
[Abstract]:As an important intangible asset, brand reflects the development potential of enterprises and determines their long-term competitiveness. Brand value has more and more influence on the profitability of an enterprise, and brand value is more and more important in economic activities such as M & A, investment and financing. The purpose of this paper is to find out the correlation between brand value and profitability, and try to apply it to the actual investment. Starting with the basic theory, this paper introduces the origin and connotation of brand value, and analyzes the principle of how brand value affects the profitability of enterprises. This paper attempts to answer and discuss the two questions raised in the two parts of empirical research and practical application. Question one, "what is the correlation between the brand value and the profitability of the company?" And the second question, "if brand value and the profitability of the company really has a strong correlation, then it can be helpful to our investment practice?" This article has always been written around answering the above two questions. Chapter 3 (empirical research) and chapter 4 (practical application) are used to prove the correlation between brand value and corporate profitability and the effectiveness of this correlation in practical investment practice. In the process of argumentation, the two questions are answered at the same time. The third chapter answers the first question to prove the correlation between the brand value and the profitability of the company and explain how the brand value affects the profitability of the company. Through the panel analysis of the sample data, the conclusion is that there is a significant positive correlation between brand value and the profitability of the company. The application of the fourth chapter answers the second question, so the third chapter has proved that brand value and profitability of the company on the basis of further in-depth exploration of the relevance of this kind of correlation to investment practice. It mainly puts forward and applies the concepts of "brand income" and "brand rate", and shows a better effect in the actual case application (the case of Coca-Cola 's acquisition of Huiyuan).
[Abstract]:As an important intangible asset, brand reflects the development potential of enterprises and determines their long-term competitiveness. Brand value has more and more influence on the profitability of an enterprise, and brand value is more and more important in economic activities such as M & A, investment and financing. The purpose of this paper is to find out the correlation between brand value and profitability, and try to apply it to the actual investment. Starting with the basic theory, this paper introduces the origin and connotation of brand value, and analyzes the principle of how brand value affects the profitability of enterprises. This paper attempts to answer and discuss the two questions raised in the two parts of empirical research and practical application. Question one, "what is the correlation between the brand value and the profitability of the company?" And the second question, "if brand value and the profitability of the company really has a strong correlation, then it can be helpful to our investment practice?" This article has always been written around answering the above two questions. Chapter 3 (empirical research) and chapter 4 (practical application) are used to prove the correlation between brand value and corporate profitability and the effectiveness of this correlation in practical investment practice. In the process of argumentation, the two questions are answered at the same time. The third chapter answers the first question to prove the correlation between the brand value and the profitability of the company and explain how the brand value affects the profitability of the company. Through the panel analysis of the sample data, the conclusion is that there is a significant positive correlation between brand value and the profitability of the company. The application of the fourth chapter answers the second question, so the third chapter has proved that brand value and profitability of the company on the basis of further in-depth exploration of the relevance of this kind of correlation to investment practice. It mainly puts forward and applies the concepts of "brand income" and "brand rate", and shows a better effect in the actual case application (the case of Coca-Cola 's acquisition of Huiyuan).
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