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发布时间:2018-11-07 16:13
【摘要】: 做为服饰销售的重要辅助手段之一的橱窗陈列起源于欧洲,发展至今已有100多年的历史,它通过色彩搭配和各种艺术造型技术,结合服装自身的风格特征,将产品与灯光、模特、海报、等进行合理的艺术化结合,使服饰在辅助场景的衬托下变得生动、突出,将其优势最大程度的展示出来,以达到吸引顾客,促进产品销售,提升品牌形象的目的。 橱窗不仅是商家卖东西、展示商品的场所,更是使其产品引人入胜的使者,集中体现了其品牌魅力。任何一个历史悠久的品牌,橱窗的装扮必定是一个经典,反映了其品牌文化的内涵和深厚的人文关怀。橱窗是向顾客传播一种崭新的生活理念,是把一种代表本品牌特色和本质的东西传达给顾客,让他们在购买商品的同时,认同品牌所倡导的生活方式。这样才可能在众多商品中脱颖而出,树立自己独特的品牌形象并拥有一批固定且不断增长的忠诚消费群体。同时消费者从橱窗中也领略着特色文化所带来的美感,感受时尚的脉搏。 本文从橱窗陈列的形式、内涵、作用谈起,对国内外优秀案例进行分析,从中发现他们设计和实施的的成功点,为我们学习和借鉴。同时通过对国内各类城市实地考察发现,我们国内橱窗陈列尚存在着橱窗陈列空白,不注重细节;橱窗陈列与品牌运营节奏不一致;创作形式单一,模仿抄袭等很多问题。我国时尚设计产业起步较晚,传统的销售理念,企业陈列管理能力的不足,设计者的个人文化素养不高,以及国内设计教育对陈列设计的忽视等诸多原因导致我们目前的陈列设计还不尽如人意。因此我们必须对存在的问题进行总结研究,迅速找出解决办法,改进和加强我们的设计工作:做好相关培训,让企业认识到当前经济形势下品牌形象的重要性,转变陈旧的销售理念;加强企业内部管理,责权分明,给设计师创造一个能够顺利开展工作的空间;加强橱窗设计与品牌文化间的互相渗透;高校单独开设相关专业和课程,加强陈列设计人员的培养等。 当前全球性的“概念消费”、“体验经济”浪潮不断冲击着我国的时尚消费品市场,在这样的现实环境下,我们的服装企业、相关培训机构,乃至每一个从事陈列设计的设计师,都应该积极了解和探索陈列概念在整个营销价值体系中的作用,把陈列设计作为品牌面对终端的日常工作中不可缺少的一项,使其真正成为创造品牌终端形象、增加产品销售的有效手段。
[Abstract]:As one of the important auxiliary means of clothing sales, window display originated in Europe and has been developed for more than 100 years. Through collocation of colors and various artistic modeling techniques, it combines the style characteristics of clothing itself, and combines the products with lighting. The models, posters, and so on carry on the reasonable artistic combination, makes the clothing under the auxiliary scene to become vivid, outstanding, displays its superiority to the greatest extent, in order to attract the customer, the promotion product sale, the promotion brand image goal. The window is not only the place where merchants sell and display goods, but also the attractive emissary of their products, which embodies their brand charm. Any brand with a long history, window dressing must be a classic, reflecting the connotation of its brand culture and profound humanistic concern. Window is to spread a brand new concept of life to customers, is to represent the brand characteristics and essence of things to convey to customers, let them in the purchase of goods, identify with the brand advocated the way of life. In this way, it is possible to stand out among many products, establish their own unique brand image and have a fixed and growing group of loyal consumers. At the same time, consumers from the window also appreciate the beauty brought by characteristic culture, feel the pulse of fashion. This article starts with the form, connotation and function of window display, analyzes the outstanding cases at home and abroad, and finds out the successful points of their design and implementation, which can be used for us to learn from. At the same time, through the field investigation of all kinds of cities in China, we find that there are still some problems in window display in our country, such as window display blank, not paying attention to details; window display and brand operation rhythm are inconsistent; creation form is single, imitation plagiarism and so on. China's fashion design industry started late, the traditional sales concept, the lack of enterprise display management ability, designer's personal cultural literacy is not high, And domestic design education neglect of display design and many other reasons lead to our current display design is not satisfactory. Therefore, we must sum up and study the existing problems, quickly find solutions, improve and strengthen our design work: do a good job of training, let enterprises realize the importance of brand image in the current economic situation. Change the old sales concept; Strengthen the internal management of enterprises, clear responsibility and power, create a smooth work space for designers, strengthen the window design and brand culture mutual penetration; Colleges and universities separately set up related specialties and courses, strengthen the training of display designers and so on. The current global "concept consumption" and "experience economy" are constantly impacting the fashion consumer goods market in our country. In such a realistic environment, our clothing enterprises and relevant training institutions, Even every designer engaged in display design should actively understand and explore the role of display concept in the whole marketing value system, and regard display design as an indispensable item in the daily work of the brand facing the terminal. Make it become the effective means of creating brand terminal image and increasing product sales.


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